The miracle (A Niall Horan Fanfic)

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Im a dork, there I said it. My name is Amelia Manor, and don't get me wrong my names cool and all but me not so much. Just like any nerd I payed attention in school and got good grades. I am a total bottom feeder nothing special. My twin who throughout all her popularness tried her hardest to get me noticed. Even got pity money from my dad to get me clothes. Being me I shoved them to the back of my closet and continued wearing my baggy star wars hoodies and ripped skinny jeans. Yes I do like that stuff. Our father was the best of the best as my sisters friends said.  

My dad was and is a famous actor we have different last names though, his name Ryder Daniels. With all the acting stuff he had to change his name when he got signed. He was what all girls dreamed of. Emerald green eyes, short dark brown hair ( non-dyed ), and the perfect beach hunk body. My sister received all the looks from my mother and father, it just kinda skipped me. Our mother had died three years after our birth. She was diagnosed with two different cancers both really bad. Doctors where surprised she had lived six years with the disease. No one would have guessed she could conceive children let alone two.  

Cassanda Manor, best mom ever. She was a singer who had bumped into my father at a recording studio. Dad had always said it was love at first sight and no book or movie could top it, and trust me I believed him. Mom was so much different from everyone and fought for her life just so my dad had a family that was still a part of her. She had amazing chestnut brown hair that cascaded down her back in flowy ringlets and eyes that looked like a light shade of indigo. 

Now on to my sister Lily Manor, she had every feature of my mom with the flawless skin and long brown hair. Her eyes where a brighter purple than our moms with little emerald green speckles. Such a weird combo if you ask me, but it was super cute. Lily's boyfriend, Harry styles, One Directions heartthrob caught her heart at one of his concerts. Me knowing his past I personally didn't think they would last long. Just three months ago they blew me out of the water celebrating there two year anniversary. 

Now on to me the moment you've all been dreading. You all know my name, but that cant possibly explain what I look like. My sister says that if I ditched bagging clothing for something a little tighter and attractive I would be a total heart catcher. I have platinum blond locks and weird eyes that change color. Some days they are mixtures of greens and oranges other days they are purple and blue. Dad says that I am really special cause he has never seen eyes like mine.  

Can I tell you something? Five years ago I was popular, I used to dress to impress. You see I had this boyfriend of three months when he kidnapped me. Locked me in his basement, raped me, cut me, stabbed me, and broke my bones. When the police found me I was nearly dead, just holding on and its all crazy because I was only in grade eight.  

Once I was released from the hospital dad decided that it was time to move and we did. When I restarted my schooling with totally different people and surroundings I hid in the shadows. Avoiding small conversations with anyone even teachers. No one knew my story. Thats why Im a nerd, because I m to scared it will happen again.  

"Amelia, Harry and the boys are coming over" Lily yelled over the intercom. 

I can't help but groan, my sister knows Niall the irish one likes me. Lily goes as far as putting name tags on the table at dinner so we all have designated seats. Its stupid really, she knows I am scared of guys even if my father reassures me that its fine. It would have to take a miracle for me to fall in love. A half hour later the boys are sitting on the couch in the living room eating all my ice cream and junk food. Instead of snatching away my food I lightly hit my sister and put on my best poker face. Like always my sister forces me to sit with Niall. I shrink into the couch fabric scared to bits every-time Niall accidentally bumps me.  

"Hey boys! Amelia, Lily can you come here for a sec?" Dad calls from the small set of stairs connected to the living room.  

Lily bounces over while I just shuffle over arms crossed.  

"So girls I am gonna be staring in a big movie, but its out of country. You guys are still under age though so you need someone to act as a guardian while I am gone. Considering the boys just finished another tour I figured they could watch you guys. Sound good? Okay love you girls so much." He kissed both our foreheads. 

We watched as he left bags in tow. A shiver cast over me when I finally realized that my father had just left me under the care of five boys! Thats when I started having a panic attack. I was stuck in a house with five boys, oh god I need help. My legs gave out and it hurt as a spur of pain spread through my bottom. Cold salty tears slid over my cheeks leaving small trails. 

"Amelia are you okay?" Niall was walking over to me worry evident on his face.  

I couldn't move a limb of my body, let alone make a sound. Niall was almost touching me, he looked like he was going to hug me. Breathy nervous pants erupted from my mouth but Niall made no change and pulled me onto his lap wrapping me in his arms. He rubbed small circles on my back singing in my ear softly.  

"Niall?" I spoke for once and I wasn't even scared. 

"Ya Amelia?" Niall continued to soothe me.  

"Why do you like me? I mean I know you can tell Im scared of people and attention so why me? Why make the effort?" I calmed down gaining the strength in my body, but I didn't run I didn't feel the need to.  

"Amelia you may not know this but every night I hope I can help you, gain you're trust. Someday and that day might not be soon I plan on giving you what I hope every girl wishes for." Niall smiles and begins to hum a familiar love song. 

Suddenly I knew I needed his help, I want to love him, trust him. Now was my opportunity. This is what I had been waiting for. A miracle.

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