Chapter 7

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"Niall how did you get the bloody nose? Are you dating miss Amelia? Who is this guy to you boys?" The paps yelled circling around the scene.

The camera flashes were blinding. This could end up being used to Jasons advantage.

"Leave her alone she never did anything to you!" Niall said his voice rising as his temper did to.

"Oh really? I remember every time she cried for me to stop as I hit her or tortured her some other way." He used this against me knowing the memories would flood back.

Lily squeezed my hand and Niall wrapped his free arm around my waist.

"Jason thats because you hurt me what does that have to do with me doing something to you?" I questioned my voice stable.

"I did everything with you and you didn't give back so I punished you." Jason said lifting his head a little.

I had only my memories to look back at. It made me feel bad that he had seen it that way. We went to parties because I wanted show him off I was so proud. Did I really starve him of affection?

"Jason Im sorry I was so proud of you that I just wanted to show off I know its was selfish. Even though I feel bad I wouldnt change a thing." I smiled at Niall.

"Well this changes everything." Jason says his eyes challenging me.

The paps are closing in on us and I fear Jason's next move. He shifts then dashes through the crowd of paps. The boys sigh in relief and begin to push towards the closest exit.

I gulp, what does he mean? What was Jason planning to do? I shook the thoughts from my head and continued towards the van my shopping bags over my shoulder. Our driver had the van started and ready to move.

Once seated I examined Niall's nose. It didnt appear crooked meaning it most likely wasn't broken. It had stopped bleeding though some blood had dried around his nose. It was hard to tell if it was bruising.

"Niall do you need to see a doctor?" I asked wrapping my arms around him.

He shook his head no and hugged me back kissing my head. I shut my eyes in attempt to keep my tears in. When I got the chance I was going to rip Liam a new one.

Less than a half hour later we were home. Lily had taken my shopping bags up stairs and Louis was ridding himself of the makeup. He wanted people to take him seriously right now. Niall and I were cleaning the dry blood up. He had striped off his shirt so I could soak out the stain.

"Liam Payne what is wrong with you?" I yelled coming into the living room.

"Heck if I know!" His answer made me mad.

"Babe calm down I'm sure he will talk just give him some time yelling won't help." Niall said into my ear his arm around my waist as I fought to get Liam.

Harry had to help Niall get me out if the room while Liam was told to go to his bedroom till he was ready to talk. He just had to talk to someone didn't have to be me.

"Niall I'm sorry." I took a sip from the water I had been given.

The water soothed my sore throat. I sighed in relief. Yelling defiantly wasn't my thing. Niall shifted awkwardly.

"Niall um can I try something?" My words were nervous and shaky.

"Yeah sure." He gave me a reassuring smile.

"Close your eyes." He did as told.

I moved closer, wrapped my arms around his neck and closed my eyes. Heat radiated between us. My lips puckered slightly as I leaned in. Niall closed the distance taking my face in his hands gently. This was like a first kiss for me. Sparks flew in every direction as he held me, his lips guiding mine. I deepened the kiss slightly not very much though.

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