Chapter 1

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It had been a week since dad had left and so far the only boy I had really talked to was Niall. Lily now knew that I don't hide out as much as she thinks because I am constantly hanging out with Niall. My dad is also happy for me skyping me each night to hear about my adventures.

"Amelia....." Niall whines as I steal his bag of chips.

"Niall all you ever do is eat, now hug me Im cold." believe me I was cold when I say this.

Zayn snorts as Niall rises and makes his way towards me.

"Why don't you talk to us or even try to?" Liam who acts more like a fatherly figure ask's.

I have become accustomed to Liam's 24/7 fathering. He makes sure we are at school on time and asleep by ten at the very most. We all shared laughs at this behaviour and Niall tells me its something that happens regularly.

Back to Liams question though, I froze not knowing what to say. My head snuggling into Niall chest. Don't get me wrong I may look like I trust Niall. I am still so scared that he might hurt me, one can only tell in time. Niall knowing me though begins to rub soothing circles on my back like always. This little irish boy is beginning to grow on me; he even said he would teach me guitar. which reminds me I really want to learn how, and I have since I was five.

"Niall can you teach me guitar now? I would really appreciate it." I look up at him resting my chin on his chest.

He smiles grasping my hand in his while he grabs his guitar with his free hand as we walk to the small landing leading to the bedrooms. Niall follows me up to my room, and surprisingly never lets go on my hand. We each take a seat on my bed. My eyes roam his body as he bends down to retrieve his guitar. Every muscle in his body flexes perfectly, and I can only tell because he is wearing a skin tight T-shirt.

"You ready?" Niall askes as he struggles to open his guitar case because on one stupid latch.

"Um yes I am but how do I hold it?" I froze when he passed me his guitar and I had no idea what to do with it.

"Come sit between my legs I will guide you." Niall smirks like harry as he opens his arms for me two sit down in between his legs.

Just when I start to rethink everything Niall reaches out and grasps my waist pulling me into him. He pulls me in carressing me into his chest.

"Shhh you're okay I've got you." Niall mumbles under his breath.

We work as a team for several hours, Niall mostly guides me through the song his hands over mine. He goes over every note and cord making sure my brain registers it before moving on. By the end of the night close to dinner time I am fairly confident and want to show my sister later.  

"Amelia, Niall come down stairs its dinner. If you don't we might start getting idea's of what you guys are up to!" Harry, of course, yells.

Niall throws me over his shoulder running down the stairs enthusiastic about food. I smack him lightly when he finally places me on the ground, but of course he just keeps glowing that bright smile of his making him look so cute.

"Hey boys what for dinner? Smells good." I ask the same enthusiasm filling my voice.

Everyone turns to me shock smeared across their faces. In the corner of my eye I see a smirking Niall clearly amused by there reactions. Rolling my eyes I continue on grabbing a plate for myself off the counter. I brush past Liam who is a statue starring straight ahead to go retrieve my food which I giggle inwardly when I notice its my favorite. Chicken alfredo with caramelized carrots which Niall is currently scooping onto his plate. That clever smirk still evident on his face, no one except me and Niall have moved.

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