9-Cruddy Buddies

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Squidward's POV

Blood covered the floor.

Squidward's eyes heavily opened. He tried lifting a hand to rub away the fog in his eyes, but was quickly met with the same restraints binding his limbs.

As his vision cleared, a sharp pain resurfaced once again. He let out a shriek that should have been heard by everyone in Bikini Bottom, but unfortunately SpongeBob was the only one.

Squidward looked down to his feet to see a scene not belonging to this world. Blood dripped from where his tentacle had been completely sliced off, and Squidward nearly fainted at the sight.

He had already felt weak before, but he was losing large amounts of blood. He needed to do something to stop it from pouring out; a tourniquet would be the best hope.

Getting one, however, would be the hard part.

Squidward was anything but quiet as his screams echoed the room. He needed it to stop. He would do anything to make it stop.

The door creaked as SpongeBob took a step inside. Shutting it with a bottled fist, he kept his back turned. Squidward had sworn he heard a chuckle escape Spongebob's lips.

He turned around slowly, "Did you need something, my little cephalopod?" Squidward only groaned in response, the pain making him nearly delirious.

SpongeBob walked up to Squidward, placing a hand under his chin and raising it to meet his stare. "Do not ignore me," he said. "When I ask you a question, you answer it."

Squid's mind was on the brink of despair, but he spoke nonetheless. "SpongeBob...please," he barely got out, "I need a tourniquet...or I won't last much longer." He choked on his words as they poured out of his mouth, feeling bile rise in his throat at the act of begging his captor.

SpongeBob tilted his head, devoid of the sponge he used to be, and spoke, "Tell me you need me." His eyes grew darker, his voice louder. "Tell me you'll never leave me."

"I need you. I'll never leave you," Squidward pleaded. Anything--anything to save him from the pain and misery he was trapped in.

Spongebob's face was blank, and then there was a sinister smile. That same sinister smile Squidward has still not grown accustomed to.

Looking back, he would give anything to have the old SpongeBob return. He would do so many things differently, but it was far too late now.

SpongeBob bent down and raised the leg he had brutally cut off and Squidward let out another scream in pain. "Geez, looks like I got you good!" He said enthusiastically, but quickly grew unamused at the stained look of distrust and discomfort on Squidward's face. "Lighten up," he encouraged. Squidward made no effort to do so.

Walking over to a table where many surgical tools sat, he picked up a knife and stared at his reflection. He was completely unaware of who he had become. He was lost forever.

Squidward's stomach twisted at the sight of that knife in his hand, the future looking suddenly darker than he could have imagined.

Then, SpongeBob finally spoke, "I suppose I can't have my favorite toy breaking so early! I'll get you what you need." He turned to exit the door, but paused as he held the handle.

"Oh," he added coldly, "If you try anything, I'll make sure you regret it."

Squidward's silence was agreeance enough as it was a relief to see him walk out the door.

He needed to move. This may have been his only chance. But he was tied, and there seemed to be no solution to that issue.

Squidward's eye caught on the shining knife SpongeBob had left on the table few feet away from him. Then he realized the one option that laid itself out for him. He had to use the knife to cut off the ropes binding him down. But that would require jostling himself in the chair he was tied up to in hopes to reach the table.

Either the table was far too heavy, or he was far too weak, he couldn't tell. On the verge of giving up, he remembered that this was his only chance. Who knew when he would ever get another opportunity to escape again. Would it be days? Months? He wasn't sure, but he knew that dying in attempts to escape would be far better than anything SpongeBob had in store for him.

It took three efforts and Squidward was next to the table. He used his face and nose to nudge the knife into the right position, and first started cutting away at the restraints binding his hands.

He let out a sigh of relief as the cold air hit the spots that were now red and bloody from the rope, but quickly remembered the task at hand. SpongeBob could return any minute.

After untying the rest, Squidward made an attempt to stand. Standing on five legs was the opposite of easy or natural, and the dizziness and weakness from the torture didn't seem to help.

He took one step, and then two, and eventually he was out the door and limping as fast as possible through a narrow tunnel.

It was too dark to see much, but he held a hand to the wall in hopes of guiding him to some sort of exit. And that was when he heard it.

It was a voice. It came from above, and Squidward spent no time hesitating as he rushed towards the source. His cut off leg made his entire body ache, the blood stull pouring out of him profusely.

His intruding thoughts of despair were interrupted by a staircase that laid directly in front of him at the end of the hallway. It looked as if it had been constructed by hand, but Squidward didn't have the time to notice many details.

Racing up the stairs as fast as he could, the voice grew louder and things got brighter. A door greeted him and the handle felt like salvation.

There was a creak, and he was out.

Or so he thought.

Squidward's heart sunk as he looked around Spongebob's house. How had he ended up here? This was where that tunnel led?

The faint voice found fruition as he now recognized a multitude of things.

It was Sandy. But she wasn't calling for Squidward.

Spongebob's name echoed off her lips as she knocked on the front door.

"That's weird," another voice said. Patrick. "He never just leaves this stuff sitting here."

Squidward's cry escaped him as barely a whisper. He dropped to the floor. It was him who was broken. Him who they should be calling. Him who they should be trying to save.

He crawled towards the front door as he was losing blood more and more by the moment. His mind went blank. "Please..." he said under his breath, but it still seemed like a pounding to his ears.

"SpongeBob?" Sandy yelled again. Squidward wanted nothing more than to open the door and greet them. They would see everything he went through and would save him. Then he wouldn't have to deal with such pain and torment anymore.

He reached a shaky arm for the door handle. It was cold and familiar.

There was a thud as a noise grew stronger behind him. Still, he didn't have the energy to move his head.

That same high-pitched voice pained his ears as he saw his fate. He felt a hand clamp over his mouth as Sandy called Spongebob's name one last time. His muffles were unheard, and no one was aware of Squidward's state but himself.

"Now Squidward," SpongeBob whispered, still having to keep his voice down to avoid being heard, "we can't have you running away from our fun, can we?"

Tears filled his eyes as Squidward felt that familiar pain against his head once more, but this time, all hope had abandoned him as he embraced the same darkness that was once his enemy.

Boating Buddies (Yandere Spongebob x Squidward) Where stories live. Discover now