11-Investiguddy Buddies

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Sandys POV

Sandy and Patrick hadn't realized exactly how far they ran until she saw her tree dome come into view. She stopped abruptly, but Patrick continued.

"Patrick," she said once. But that didn't stop his legs from running despite the intense exhaustion he was fighting. "Patrick!" She yelled again. He finally stopped and turned to her, face covered in sweat, and was hunched over while attempting to catch his breath. Sandy let out a sigh.

What he paused, still struggling to breathe, who But he didn't finish his question. He couldn't. Not when Sandy knew the answer, and seeing her reaction only made him feel worse than he already did. I don't wanna know, he said finally.

"You need to know," Sandy encouraged, "the only way we are going to be able to get through this is if we do it together."

Sandy took a step closer to Patrick and he closed his eyes.

"What was it," he asked in a whisper, as though that thing had followed them all the way out here. He still hadnt quite believed they made it out.

"It was...Squidward."

Patrick kept silent, shock taking over his ability to speak, but Sandy began again, "Pieces of his flesh had been cut up and thrown all across the room. It was as if whatever did that to him—whoever did that to him," she corrected, "had taken an ax and chopped him up so aggressively that it was a bloodbath." There was a long pause.

"Do you think he's alive?" is the first thing Patrick said.

"I don't know," Sandy said joylessly. "There were no large parts of him on the floor, only small ones. And they looked as if they were fresh." She remembered the vivid blood stain trailing the floor towards the locked door.

"That door," she started, "if we could get through that door, then maybe well get some answers."

Patrick could feel his heart beat get louder at the thought of going back to that house. The very same place he made the fondest memories in was now a place associated with torment. With what happened to Squidward, he didnt even know if his best friend was alive. He hadnt seen any one of his friends in days.

"I dont know, Sandy, I really think this is too much for me." He paced back and forth while contemplating the situation, "I dont handle this stuff well."

Sandy thought to herself, does anyone? But Patrick must have read that off her face as he turned away quickly.

"The police will be able to handle this," Sandy affirmed, Patrick turning back to her.

"Really?" He asked, putting two hands to her shoulders and shaking violently. Sandy waited for him to calm down before speaking.

"I sure hope so," She spoke plainly, her country accent bouncing off Patrick's ears, "they're our only hope."

So they began walking, the Bikini Bottom Police Department seeming darker and more isolated than ever.


The purple-blue building of the police station was a sight Sandy had not expected to see for a while. Still, this was obviously not a situation that should be left for her and Patrick to deal with themselves. Especially since it felt as though one of them contributed far more than the other.

She didnt hold it against him. He may not have been the strongest, but he cared about his friends. Patrick and Sandy rarely spoke outside of a mutual friendship with SpongeBob, but perhaps this was an opportunity to change that. The dark circumstances hit her once more like a wave, but she did not allow herself to be drowned by them.

There were three or four parked cars outside, but through the doors it appeared rather empty.

A bell rang as they entered through two transparent glass doors, the two of them looking around in hopes of figuring out where to go and who to speak to.

How long had it been since Sandy was last here? She couldnt remember. Patrick got a few flashbacks of his short-lived time spent behind bars on multiple occasions with SpongeBob. The name made his heart feel heavy. Those cells never led him to feel like this, though.

"Officer," Sandy spoke with urgency as she approached one of the female officers at a desk before her, "our friends are missing, and we have reason to believe something terrible has happened to them."

There were a few clacks of her keyboard, and Sandy took note of the name Tracy plastered on a laminated badge that sat on her chest. "Their names?" was all she said.

Sandy hesitated momentarily, but refused to show her sudden lack of confidence, "SpongeBob SquarePants, Eugene Krabs, and Squidward Tentacles." She wished that saying their names aloud would make them reappear.

"And what leads you to believe that they are missing?" Her face was anything but enthusiastic as she spoke.

Sandy tapped her fingers along the desk, "Well, the Krusty Krab is closed down for some reason since all the employees quit, and it has been days–days since I have heard from any of them. This is a small town, and I know none of them would just disappear without a trace, so its just weird, and..." she shot a look towards Patrick, contemplating how to say these next few words, but he gave her a reassuring nod as she spoke again.

"And...we went to SpongeBobs house to see if he was there, but inside there was only, well, there were chopped up pieces of Squidward all over the floor, and there was a lot of blood– too much blood anyone should be losing, and there was a long stain of it on the floor leading to a door that was locked. We tried looking around some more but someone came out that door and—"

Sandy hadnt realized that she was rambling until Tracy cut her off. She spoke as if Sandy was a little girl playing pretend, "Right..." The clacking continued.

"So," Sandy was growing impatient, "What can you do to help?"

The officers eyes slowly raised from the keyboard to meet Sandy's glare, "Considering the fact that youve brought no evidence here with you today, I dont think there is anything further we can do regarding the investigation besides simple interrogations with the townspeople."

Sandy gripped the counter, feeling the anger become visible on her face, "What is that supposed to mean? I've told you enough. You should be able to do more than a few mere interrogations." She sighed, remembering that these were the only people with the authority to help, but spoke again, "If you'll just listen to me for a minute," she put a finger to her chest, "I can obviously tell that you aren't busy, so perhaps you could actually do something to help my friends before we lose more people in this town. Let me file a missing persons report, and I need officers to come investigate my friends home. If you cant at least do that, we will find help elsewhere."

She knew that there was in fact no other source of help they could look for, but did not let the officer see through her.

Fully prepared to be shut down, she braced herself. So when Tracy nodded her head in agreement, Sandy was silently overjoyed.

"Alright," the lady said, "we'll gather a team to head out now."

Sandy couldnt tell if she was fearful or grateful for what was about to happen next, but quickly wiped the sweat off her forehead and took a seat as she watched four officers grab their equipment and weapons.

Boating Buddies (Yandere Spongebob x Squidward) Where stories live. Discover now