last piece of chocolate

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i wish we could've stayed as our younger selves,
no more sorrows from our adulthood
and all these terrible sadness,

i wish we could've stayed so wild and carefree,
just to prove that we we better off that way
than how depressed we are now,

i wish we could've stayed happy,
just so there will be no room for petty fights and arguments that lead nowhere,

i just wished we stayed happy and contented,
that happiness and lovely memories
are the only things we will reminisce,

but then again we are humans,
and humans fight all the time over something big,

and something as petty as who will eat the last piece of chocolate,

so i guess that's what makes us human,
and that's what builds the foundation of human relationships,
to get over and make up for all the fights,
and still wake up tomorrow,

choosing them over and over again.

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