Chapter 22

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Derek's POV

I woke up so many times throughout the night, because I couldn't really get comfortable. However, waking up constantly allowed me to check on Adrian damn near ever 30 minutes. I can't believe I kissed his forehead when he was asleep. I feel kind of bad, but I don't think he knows I did it. 

He definitely doesn't know what I did to those Florida State hoes. I lowkey surprised myself by doing all of that, but sometimes when I'm so filled with anger I can do whatever, and I really just crashed out on all of them. No one hurts Adrian and gets away with that shit. 

I'm just sitting on the couch in Adrian's room right now, watching TikTok while I wait for him to wake up. He had such a difficult day yesterday. Having to play an entire football game where he was being called the f slur the entire time, and then getting jumped by linemen is not a good day in any way. 

"Derek? Are you awake?" I hear Adrian's soft voice call out for me. 

"Yeah," I say, standing up and walking over to Adrian's bed. "How are you doing?" 

"Better. My eye doesn't hurt that much. Does it look bad? Do I look weird with it?" 

"You still have a black eye, but it doesn't look bad at all. You don't look weird or anything, Adri. Don't worry about it. You still look great," I state. He really does. 

"Thank you. Do you just wanna chill today?" he asks and I nod. 

"Of course. I don't want to do anything today. We can just stay here and watch football all day if you want. We have food and everything." 

"Yeah, exactly," he smiles before sitting up, the blankets sliding off of him revealing his unclothed upper body. I looked away, but I saw enough. I've seen him shirtless, but not with the amount of feelings I have for him right now. His chest is so perfect, his arms are beautiful, and he has amazing abs. 

"I think I'm gonna talk to Aaron about something, I'll be back in a little bit," I tell him and he nods at me. 

"Cool. See you later. I'll leave the door unlocked." 

"Okay. I'll be back soon." 

I leave the room and find Aaron's room. I need to talk to him about my feelings. I can't believe I'm actually about to come out to someone, but I need to talk to someone I know well enough about Adrian. My feelings for him are not just a possibility anymore. They are real, and I really want him so bad. I want to hug him in a not platonic way. I want to kiss him so bad and just make him feel so good about himself. 

I find Aaron and Cam's room and knock on the door. I wait for a few seconds and Aaron opens the door, wearing an oversized shirt and possibly only underwear. He looks like a complete mess, and his hair is crazy. I think I can put 2 and 2 together and understand that they fucked last night. 

"Hey, Derek," he says tiredly. 

"Uh, hey, Aaron. Can I talk to you for a little? It's kind of important." 

"Yeah, yeah, for sure. Just let me get dressed and shower. Cam's in there right now. You can come in if you want," he says, opening the door wider. 

They have a cute setup in here. They moved the beds next to each other so they can sleep together. That's kind of nice. It's still really weird to be around my best friend the night after they definitely did something involving dicks. 

"We didn't do anything last night by the way, I just woke up and Cam's entire body was on top of me. That's why I look like this, sorry," Aaron says. 

"No, uh, don't worry about it." 

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