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Everyone was screaming and panicking and calling for help.

The hallways were full of shrieking students and teachers trying to calm everyone down.

I turned to Leo- who was stricken with fear and not responding to my gaze.

"Hey," I waved my hand in front of his face.

He shook his head. He jolted as he snapped back to reality.

"What the heck is that?" He stuttered. He flinched at the trail of red. He turned to look me in the eye as if he was looking for an answer. He was using his palm to cover the gruesome sight before him.

"I don't know," I realised I haven't blinked for twenty seconds.

Leo looked at me, his face pale and his eyes uneasy. We had the same thought: someone was murdered. He went inside the classroom. So did I.

The teachers told us to sit at our desks while we wait for news from the principal.

We waited.

I shivered. The wind was unusually chilly today. It was loud too. At least it filled the silence of the room. No one made a peep for 15 minutes.

A teacher came into our classroom who I assume is our homeroom teacher. He wore a dark blue flannel shirt and a pair of jeans. He had spiky black hair and a pair of tired-looking hazel eyes. He told us he was called Mr Wright and he needed us to head to the assembly hall.

We headed there silently and sat down in rows. I sat between Abby and Leo with Kevin and Tilda behind us. The only sounds in the hall were whispers between teachers and the creaking of chairs as students shuffled in their seats. Teachers are now signalling for us to shush by bringing their fingers to their lips. But no one was talking.

The lights dimmed a bit and a smartly dressed teacher came on stage who I presumed must be the principal. She had short curly brown hair supported by her shoulders, dark eyes and an aroma of sternness that sticks with her. She gave the impression of being the kind of teacher who hates kids that causes trouble but loves the disciplined ones. I decided I didn't like her.

She addressed us and then got to the point: " So as you have heard-or seen, a trail of blood was located in the hallways around 20 minutes ago. We have tracked the trail and unfortunately, it belonged to a sophomore student who I would not name for privacy reasons," she paused for breath.

"She was stabbed and died of blood loss and stab wounds. Her family is notified and grieving. The school has informed the police and they are conducting further investigations. We have sent out a letter to all parents explaining everything I have said." 

"Due to this horrific incident, school will be closed today, but it will be resumed tomorrow," She said. If she expected a reaction, no one made a sound.

"We hope that if anyone has information on the murder, or knows anyone that does, please come forward as it may prevent another incident in the future. We advise everyone to speak to an adult in school or at home if you feel stressed or worried. The school community is gravely affected by this loss so we hope everyone will act sensibly towards this topic and will not spread any unconfirmed speculations. Thank you," she nodded her head and the hall erupted with terrified whispers and sobs.

I was stunned. I stared at the principle in disbelief. WHAT the fuck? A

murderer on the loose? How can we still go to school after this? This fucking murderer could be targeting sophomore girls! He could kill us! What the hell is wrong with this woman?

I was pulled away from my thoughts when Mr Wright said we can get our things and leave.

Everyone rushed out of there and on the way, I could hear uproar in the hallway with everyone shouting and screaming and freaking out.

I mean, who wouldn't? I was so focused on my own thoughts that I didn't notice Leo beside me. When I did see him, it was because of how creepy his eyes were. They were like deep pits of darkness. I've never seen him like that. I swear his eyes were sinking into his head. Or maybe I was just having a concussion.

We were silently panicking. Some people scream but we stay silent. That's how you know it's worse. We were speechless. We had no words to say.

I could see Tilda screaming. A very high-pitched scream. She ran outside the haunted building while Abby and Kevin trailed behind her with no sound coming out of their mouths.

Me and Leo also sprinted outside and I immediately recognized my mum, Leo's mum, Ella and Alex by the parking lot scanning through the disturbed students sprinting away from the school. They're looking for us.

We ran up to them and Alex held me in his arms. It was comforting. Mrs Clarke was shrieking when she embraced Leo. Her makeup was smudged as well as Ella's. Her curly blond hair was a tangled mess and she was whimpering.

"Oh my dears, are you alright Leo? No one else got hurt?" Mrs Clarke asked frantically. She was checking Leo all over as if he got hurt or something. Ella stood there screaming like she was going to die. 

Oh wait, we are.


(917 words)

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