The King of Volleyball

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I wanted to beat him up so bad that he will never be able to show his face at school again. But I guess Leo could deal with him.

Jake had tried to kiss me a minute ago.

He's in the medical room now.

+ + +

Mrs Haynes came to us to say that someone from our team had to grab a volleyball from the volleyball bag- which was on the other side of the hall. She caught my eye so asked me to get it. I sighed and reluctantly volunteered to do it just because I literally had nothing else to do.

Obviously she just wants us to do more exercise.

I jogged over to where the bag was. I didn't want to lose any strength for later but I also didn't want to be too slow. When I reached the bag, I chose a glossy white one that looked quite new.

I was about to head back when Jake came over. Well, actually, he and his clingy girlfriend came over. Tasha was hugging Jake's arms and gazing into his bright blue eyes. Huh. Bet she does that 24/7. Jake appeared to be appreciating all this attention from her and didn't seem to want to be modest about it. He scanned the hall for his friends and beckoned them to come over. After they came over, Jake looked me in the eye for a split second and then nodded meekly at them.

He slid his girlfriend's hand away from his and smirked at her.

Uh, what's going on?

Jake took two steps towards me and held my face-

"What the heck?" I yelled in a rage. I shoved him aside immediately and smashed his stupid nose.

"Hey, I was just trying to kiss you, no big deal, it was for a dare," he said as if that makes it okay for him to kiss me without permission. His friends were laughing. I recognized Ryan. He was recording the whole thing.

Before I could smash Ryan's dumb phone, someone shouted from the end of the sports hall-

"OI! JAKE MC-DUMBASS! Kiss THIS!" Leo chucked a volleyball at his already bleeding nose and I could hear a bone crack.

"AAGHHHHHRRR," I heard him groan in pain. He fell to the floor and curled into a ball. He cupped his bloody nose. Ha, jerk. He looked so weak compared to the strong and fearless jock that every girl falls for. This is what you get if you mess with me, I said to him inside my head.

I wanted to beat him up so bad that he will never be able to show his face at school again. But I guess Leo 'beat' me to it.

"NO ONE MESSES WITH MY BEST FRIEND AND GETS AWAY WITH IT," I hear the King of Volleyball shout from the end of the hall. It was extremely loud as he was shouting through a megaphone that he had snatched from Mrs Haynes. By then, everyone had already caught up on everything that had happened and started booing at Jake.

I am loving this.

I gave Leo a small smile of gratitude and he grinned back. He looked proud, like he had some kind of new non-existent power. I let him enjoy his moment.

"LEO! LEO! LEO!" Everyone was chanting his name.


Everyone went to grab a volleyball and aimed at Jake's limp body. It was by far, the best class I have had so far. I mean- Gym is already great but plus watching people beating up the Jake McCarthy? That just made my day. I chuckled at the sight of twenty volleyballs aiming for Jake's nose. The sight was extraordinary. At that moment, it was a free-for-all. Mrs Haynes tried to drag Jake outta there but she realised she would get hit so she just left him there. Huh. Well deserved.


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(648 words)

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