Soccer is the best sport

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RING RING RING! RING RING RING! I woke up to the non-stopping ringing on my bedside table. I pressured my index finger on the top of the digital clock and slid down my bed like a worm. I practically half crawled and half walked out my room to the toilet in the hallway. After I flushed, I ran back hastily. I'm probably going to be late.

I tapped on my iPhone 13 Pro. It reads 08:20.

WHAT? Why hasn't Alex woken me up yet? Nevermind that, I need to change into something other than sweats. I made my way to my wardrobe and flung open its white doors. BANG! My green eyes darted around the items in the wardrobe: 40% sweats; 25% sporty things like leggings and my soccer jerseys; 25% jeans, turtlenecks, t-shirts and jackets plus 20% sneakers and cleats. I also had 10% of random stuff like dusty old dresses and itchy christmas sweaters from Gran Irene. The sweaters are now just tangled up wool. I grimaced at the mix of red, green and white mess.

I took off my hoodie and sweatpants and pulled on a crisp black and white Nike t-shirt, grey mid-thigh leggings and a pair of black sneakers. I hung my school bag over my shoulder with my phone in my hand and went downstairs.

                                                               + + +

"Oh yeah! I'm sorry Sadie, I forgot to tell you. Alex has early basketball practice in the mornings on Tuesdays and Thursdays now," Mum explained while rubbing her forehead. I was slurping on my Cheerios and milk. Mum gave me a look that meant: Manners, young lady.

She looks tired with her slightly blood-shot eyes and wrinkles on her temple. She's dressed in a dark blue blazer with a visible white blouse inside and tailored trousers to match. Her shoulder length hair was tied into a little dirty blond bun. There were loose strands of curly hair escaping from it. She had to go to a meeting early today with the boss of the company that she was working for so I guess she wanted to look formal.

"Right, anyways, I should get going. I have a meeting in forty-five minutes and it takes twenty-five to get there," she sighed deeply with her eyes closed. She opened them to look at me smiling, " you better finish that soon, it's eight twenty-eight."

"What? Already?!" I panicked and started chewing and swallowing as fast as I could. Mum was already at the door as she bellowed, " Love ya sweetkins!"


I got up from the chair and put the bowl in the sink. I went upstairs to brush my teeth and then went back down by 08:33.

Okay, chill Sades. You've got seven minutes until class starts. And you've got double Algebra 2 with Mrs Kidwell. She's always two minutes late so you're fine.

I got my stuff and headed outside. I locked the doors and went to get my bike. I hopped onto my bike and turned into the road. It felt great to be riding in the free wind. It was blowing on my face and messing up my hair- but who cares? My hair was flying in the air behind me like a red cape as I rode faster. My legs moving forwards and backwards at the same pace repeatedly. I watched black, white and blue cars waiting for the red, yellow and green box.

I turned right to go on the pavement and then after lots of left and right, a newly but acquainted building came to focus with its red and brown bricks and its nicely trimmed field- great for soccer. That reminds me. There's soccer tryouts tomorrow. I've heard of a lot of great things about the Oakkers - sure, they have a pathetic name but they are supposed to be really good.


I turned around to face a blond boy on a skateboard.

"Hey," I smirk.

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