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"Nope! No way! Jake Mc-dumbass just gave you his number?," Leo asked in disbelief. He was laughing so hard tears were leaking from his eyes.

We just finished Biology. We are now walking to the Gym.

I had just shown Leo the slip of paper the jock had given me:

076 555 4323

- Jake McCarthy

"I know! Like, who the hell does he think he is," I exclaimed in disgust. Leo laughed harder. I nudged him in the ribs.

"Oi! What the fuck!"

I scoffed. He's such a weak little baby sometimes.

"No I'm not!" His eyes widened.

Oh, I said it out loud. I rolled my eyes. Leo was still fuming. He's such a grouchy baby. We made our way to the sports hall without another word when we spotted Tilda, Abby and Kevin at the entrance chatting.

"Hey! We have volleyball!" Tilda saw us and came over excitedly.

Leo looked me in the eye for a second and then his mood suddenly changed.

"YES! LET'S GOOO! We have volleyball!" He squealed joyfully. There was a spring in his step. We skipped over to the sports hall. Lol, I haven't seen him so excited all day.

+ + +

The sports hall was huge. The bright lights hanging over our heads on the high ceiling. Basketball hoops on each side of the court and six volleyball nets on the six courts. Scratched white tape was used for showing the courts but it must've been a long time since they were replaced as they were severely scratched so you could barely see it.

There were lots of people in the hall. A few were holding volleyballs and showing off their skills, a few at the corner looking left out.

I turned to Leo, "When are we start-"


Thirty pairs of eyes stared at a sports teacher with the whistle in her mouth. She looked really tough, around her 30s, a dark messy ponytail. She was sweating a lot. She was holding a megaphone. Cool.

The teacher quickly introduced herself as Mrs Haynes and then shouted out the teams on each court. She pointed at the first one-

"Gray! Delaney! Browning! Lawrence! Tompkins! Turner! Cooper-Reeves annnnd...RYAN RADCLIFFE! She yelled out the last one super loud. I presumed he was really good at volleyball or something.

My assumption was answered straight away.

A quite good-looking dude jumped up and high fived with-

Jake McCarthy.

Oh. Of course it is.

"Oh-my-god, he's like- so hot," I overheard some girl in a cheerleader outfit say.

"Nah, Jake's the hottest guy," another cheerleader stated.

"Tasha- you only say that 'cuz he's your boyfriend," the first girl reasoned. She had a pretty face and good posture. She had smooth chocolate curls and greyish blue eyes.

"Oh yeah, I literally forgot that he was my boyfriend. I mean- he's so cute!" Tasha squealed. She had such an annoying voice. Ugh. Stuck-ups.

" True! But-wait, should I try to ask Ryan out? I don't know if he likes me back-"

"Um Lili, it's obvious he likes you. He might even be obsessed with you actually," Tasha convinced her.

" Really? Oh my god, I didn't even know."

And the conversation trailed off from there when they moved to another spot to get a better glimpse of (I assume) Jake and Ryan.

I had had enough of them for a lifetime.

After Mrs Haynes approached to the last court (court four) there were only a few

people left including me.

I scoffed when I looked at the people left. Me, Leo, Kevin and three other people that don't look like they are in the best shape.

"Right, you lot are a team. Any questions? No? K- get yourselves in your positions. You got five minutes," she glared at us with her cold blue eyes. She seemed to see us as simply like the extras from the bench in a football match.

Huh. She thinks that me and Leo are inexperienced at volleyball just because we're new?

Well, if that's what she thinks. She'll be shocked when she finds out Leo is practically the king of volleyball. 


(667 words)

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