Soccer Tryouts

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"WHOOHOO, IT'S THE TRYOUTS!" Leo yelled and pumped his fists up the air along the rhythm with the bell ringing in the background.

We were leaving Physics and on our way to the changing rooms to change into our kit for the soccer tryouts. We decided to wait for Abby as well outside Room 197. She has History, I think.

"ALRIGHT, YOU MAY GO! DON'T FORGET YOUR ESSAY ON EARLY PEOPLE AND THE CIVILIZATION!" A teacher shouted which echoed out in the hallway. Everyone erupted out the door like a volcano exploding with surging hot lava. The force was so sudden Leo fell backwards and I had to hold on to the door to prevent myself from mirroring him as well.

Amongst the accelerating crowd, I spotted a brown- haired girl with olive skin. She was wearing a turtleneck and beige trousers.

"ABBY!" I screamed and cupped my hands on either side of my mouth. She turned to us and smiled. She came to us and asked if she could drop by her lockers first to get her kit.

+ + +

"Soo, what position do you want to play?"

Me and Abby were in the girls' changing room. I couldn't wait to get outta there. There was barely any ventilation since there's only one window. Plus, the air was wet and humid and the sweaty socks on the benches didn't help. We were in one of the worst corners of the room because all the cheerleaders took the clean parts first. Sucks for us. I tried not to mind all the dirty clothes lying around freely on the benches so I focused on my thoughts. I dreamed of me and the team winning match after match. I dreamed of being captain- I highly doubt that to happen but still- and I thought of Alex and Mum cheering for me in a posh stadium- for the best teams only of course. I could imagine myself holding a golden trophy with white and blue tassels glinting in the light and being hoisted up over the heads of my teammates. We had proud and broad grins over our faces. I hoped that was real.

I changed into my Manchester City jersey and grey track shorts with white lining. I tied my hair up in a loose ponytail.

"Eh- I don't know," I said disheartened. I was in lower spirits now that the tryouts are almost beginning. To be honest, I don't even know if I'll get in.

Sure, I've been playing for nine years, but is it enough for me to get into one of the best High School soccer teams in Arizona ? No, I'm much better than a lot of the people that I know in California. I've even beaten my old Coach in a full 90 minutes game so that's pretty impressive.

"Well, I'd like to be a striker or somewhere in attack, I'm good at running," I said shrugged

"Yeah, I'd like to be somewhere in midfield," Abby said but I could barely hear it since her voice was muffled as she pulled into her t-shirt.

"Cool," I bent one knee with the other on the ground so I could tie the shoelaces to my cleats.

"K, are you ready?" Abby asks. I heaved myself up and looked at her with a determined face.

"Yep. Let's crush this," I nodded with motivation. We jogged out of the changing room and saw Leo was waiting for us.

"What took you so long? I've been here for five minutes! " Leo exclaimed anxiously at once. "I don't want to make a bad first impression to the coach," he continued with a lack of patience. He sprinted out to the two-acre field with us right at his heel. I didn't attempt to compete with him since I wouldn't want to tire myself out for a stupid race.

We stopped once we approached a man in his middle forties with a whistle and a clipboard. He had spiky dark copper hair poking out of his baseball cap. He was wearing a plain grey t-shirt and striped shorts. He isn't in the best shape. He had barely any muscles. He was a quite plump man actually. He blew his whistle and twelve boys turned away from their conversations to face the coach.

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