Jake McCarthy

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We had our first class- Biology- with some guy called Mr Anderson. I got to sit next to Leo.

"...it's the state of balance in the body systems needed for the body to survive and function correctly..."

Mr Anderson was talking about something about 'homeostasis.'

"Maybe it was..."

"Do you think she's okay?"

"I hope they catch the guy..."

No one was paying attention. Everyone was talking about the 'near' murder.

He sighed. He gave up. That meant we won.

Mr Anderson grabbed a newspaper and his black mug of cappuccino and just sat there reading and humming the whole lesson.

During this time,the class went insane. Everyone started partying and made crumpled up papers to throw around the classroom. Some people took out their phones and just sat at their desks scrolling quietly. Some were reading (they gave up at the end because it was so loud.) Some were spreading rumours about whoever the girl was. And some were making out.

I covered my ears to block out the noises. The room was so loud that I swear the stack of books on Mr Anderson's desk were vibrating. The classroom was filled with a clamour of chatter and laughter and screams. This is out of control.

I wanted to escape the chaotic room so I could focus on my thoughts. I got up and headed to the door but a bunch of jocks were blocking my way-

"Hey, I haven't seen you around," one of them said. He had golden blond hair and ocean blue eyes. He had a very shiny grin. He lifted his arm to rest against the doorframe. He stared at me. What does he want?

"Well, duh, I'm new," I stated obviously. I rolled my eyes. This guy's wasting his and my time.

He dropped his arm to his side and I stepped out-

"Hey, don't go. I was just teasing," he replied with a smirk. He blocked my way. His arm brushed against mine. He glanced at his friend next to him. He tilted his head to rest it on a clean part of the wall next to the door and said, "Hey- you're actually kinda cute."

I frowned. I gave him a dirty look. I was one second away from punching his stupid face.

"You're Sadie Brooks right?" He asked, ignoring my look.

What the fuck? How did he know my name?

Right. That's it. I shoved him to the side so I could get outta there-

"Oi! What're you doing?" It was Leo. He came up to us. His nostrils flared. He looked pissed.

"I was just flirt-" the blond guy began. I interrupted him before he finished his sentence.

"It's fine Leo- we were just talking," I narrowed my eyes at the blonde jock. I put on my best still face. I knew he didn't like jocks. Actually, we both didn't, but I didn't want it to become physical, because Leo always ended up being the one who gets hurt the most. "I can handle him myself," I reassured him.

"Yeah, we were just talking, man, chillax," he took a couple of steps towards Leo. Uh oh. I could feel Leo's muscles tense up. His jaw tightened. The jock glared at him with hatred.

I gave Leo a look: Please don't do anything stupid. He understood and his features relaxed but his icy cold eyes are still burning with irritation.

After a moment he said, "Awright, but I'm watching you." Leo walked backwards and made a v-sign to him with his fingers. He looked annoyed. He went back to his desk to chat to Kevin. I could still feel him looking at the jock every now and then from the corner of my eye.

The jock handed out a slip of paper to me with a smile and then winked at me.

The hell's this? I opened it-

Honestly, I was relieved Leo controlled his anger and didn't start a fight.

Because I want to start it.

My lips curled at Leo when he glanced back.

He smiled back: show the douche where he belongs.

I turned to the blond jock and smiled sweetly. I leaped onto his stomach. He took it by surprise. I punched him across his face and then got up. I could see a bruise emerging across his face and he seemed knocked out. Ha. Too easy.

The class froze. No one moved. Everyone was shocked. Then one by one, people started to yell at me and started to record on their phones. Whatever.

I ignored them. He got what he deserved. He dares mess with me and my best friend? Well, that has consequences, sweetheart. 'Cus I'm a soccer player. I tackle people as a hobby.

Me and Leo did a victory dance as we sashayed from the class. The class went berserk and the girls started cursing at me.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"You could've killed him, bitch!"

Like what is wrong with people these days?


Oh, it's time for the next class already.


(817 words)

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