► Chapter 24: Homecoming and Reflections

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Tenma woke up abruptly.

The canine found himself back in the pet shop, surrounded by his siblings who licked him excitedly as they saw him wake up.

Tenma was flabbergasted.

He had reached his destination. He was back home where he belonged.

And without hesitation, he leaped towards his canine siblings, laughing and rejoicing in the cheerful company they provided.

He laughed and rolled around in the glass cubicle over and over again. He threw a blue toy ball that was with them, tossing it to the little puppies to play with, laughing as he watched them fight over it.

"By the way, where is Miss Rotenmeyer?"

He wondered to himself as he looked through the glass of the cubicle.

Instantly, the sweet old lady from the shop appeared, greeting him with her kindly grandmotherly smile that warmed the heart of the canine with the warmth she radiated.

He was picked up by her, and they sat together in the chair behind the counter. Miss Rotenmeyer was caressing him from ears to tail, and Tenma just reveled in the good life that awaited him now.

"Miss Rotenmeyer... I'd prefer you to adopt me and live here completely... if you don't mind."

— You're a very smart little doggy, but of course I'll adopt you, you little rascal. You've been through a lot to come back home, haven't you?

"Yes.... I'm finally home."

Tenma stretched out in the old lady's lap, feeling the sun rays fall on his fur through the window glass.

It was so cozy... his new paradise.


["Are you seriously going to ignore it? You don't notice anything strange?"]


Tenma opened his eyes upon hearing a strange voice, but all he saw was himself now on the floor, while Miss Rotenmeyer brought him a plate of food with meats and kibbles. Even though he hadn't eaten kibbles before, it still seemed like a feast.

He started eating hungrily, a hunger that was finally satisfied. His siblings were also eating beside him on the floor, while the old lady sat in her chair watching them eat with a lovely smile.

Tenma was grateful to be able to spend quality time like this again.

["She shouldn't understand your words, and you know it."]

["Stop ignoring me."]

Tenma glanced away from his food, seeing the strange appearance of a tiny figure beside him. Someone with few colors, pale skin, and a very beautiful face. It was akin to an angel.

Although he didn't recognize him at all.

"Helllllllooooo, do you want to share some of my food?" —Tenma asked, smiling warmly at the angel, but he only shook his head—. "No? Well, maybe we can ask Miss Rotenmeyer for something different if you like."

["Tenma, you're dead. You know it, don't you?"]

Tenma looked at the strange angel, but he returned a warm smile.

"Of course I'm not dead, I've just been reborn in this new life. I'm someone who will now enjoy a life full of cuddles and the company of loved ones, like in novels and comics. Isn't that great, don't you think?"

The angel refused to listen any further, rising into the air until he disappeared.

["When you're ready to face reality, only, and only once, I'll help you return to life. Until then, enjoy your "life."]

That was the last thing Tenma heard from the angel before he left.

Tenma began to ponder about it... but was quickly called by Miss Rotenmeyer, and he ran quickly to her.

She gave him a red collar with his name engraved on it. With the name Tenma.


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