► Chapter 49: The Pain of Letting Go

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Dave had made up his mind.

If he was going to rescue the puppy who, he hoped, was still with that wolf, then he had to be able to use some kind of trap to kill it.

For the moment, he had secretly followed one of the dark-furred wolves that had gone out to look for the wolves that were recently hunted by the hooded figure.

They walked one after the other, watching all their sides for any threats, so Dave stealthily moved through high areas among rocks somewhat away from those wolves.

After walking for a while, the wolves stopped in front of a rocky wall. There were no holes in it through which they could pass, but they still stood in front of it.

One of them, the largest of all, barked at it, and after a minute, the ground began to tremble. The wall began to split into two walls that gradually opened a path between them, leaving a direct passage to the camp where that pack lived.

Dave assumed the gray wolf could be there, so once he saw them pass, he hurried to enter, hearing a loud crash of the walls behind him, preventing the possibility of escape.

The squirrel hurried to find a quick refuge to avoid being seen, rushing to hide among some somewhat withered bushes, but enough to hide his presence, at least he hoped so.

Through the open spaces between those plants, he could see what was in front of him, leaving him somewhat nervous with pale skin: dozens of dark-furred wolves walked back and forth. There were some puppies running through some beds and some she-wolves making sure they didn't get hurt during the training of some others.

It was the first time Dave had seen what a pack looked like, leaving him amazed. He knew wolves organized themselves intelligently, but he never expected to be able to see more deeply how that could be carried out.


A short bark, very different from the rest, caught Dave's attention. He would recognize that tender and whiny bark anywhere.

"Where? Where is he?"

Dave would look around, trying to identify where the bark came from. He looked from side to side, walking in the direction he thought he heard the bark.


"There he is again!"

Dave hurried to find the puppy, excited and at the same time fearful of being seen by any of the wolves, because now it wasn't just that he was afraid of them, he felt terrified to be near having been eaten by one before.

Sweating all over his body, he got into a hollow tree trunk lying on the ground, where he caught his breath and sighed deeply.

The puppy was close, he just needed to keep listening to his barks to see where he was.

Although something strange had him worried.

In all his running through the territory of that pack, he hadn't seen any gray-furred wolves. Only dark-furred ones. In fact, even all the puppies were of that fur.

Before any doubt could make him hesitate again, Dave shook his head and focused on his search. He was closer than he thought.


Dave would perk up his ears, getting a scare. The puppy's bark was even closer than before. Confused and surprised, he would stick his head out of his hiding place, seeing the puppy face to face.

His orange and white fur was freshly cleaned, it seemed they hadn't hurt him; which made the squirrel very happy.

For a moment, they both remained silent, looking at each other, until the puppy would start wrinkling his snout, starting to growl.

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