𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬

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Song : I love you by Billie Eilish

Damon explained to me that Elena had been in a crash on the night him and Kaiden 'took' her and when they got to her, they saw a man that they were 100 percent sure was a vampire but they couldn't see his face.

That meant that yet another vampire was in town and we had no idea who it could be so instead on dwelling of the disasters that could happen, I decided to make a bracelet for some people and put vervain in them with the help of Stefan.

Of course, I decided to make Caroline's and I added a few little pinch touches to hers to make sure it was prettier so she would actually wear it.

I called Caroline up and told her that i'd be making a visit to her school because I needed to speak to her and , just like i expected, she squealed loudly and agreed, telling me the time of her recess so I could come down.

12 o'clock I arrived at Caroline's school and straight away saw her already waiting for me at other end of the car park, waving enthusiastically to ensure that I could see her.

I gave her a subtle wave back and we both met in the middle where she linked my arm and we began to walk towards a bench in the field of the school.

"Finally come to your senses about being friends?" Caroline said as we sat opposite each other.

I rolled my eyes and reached into my bag, pulling out a bag of sweets that I knew were her favourite, "I was bored and I knew you wouldn't bail on me so I came. I also went shopping before so that's the explanation for the sweets and for this-"

I reached into my pocket and pulled out two bracelets, one with white and pink pearls and another with white and black pearls.

Caroline furrowed her brows at me as she opened the bag of sweets and began to slowly chew on one as she inspected the bracelets like they were something from another world.

"I found them in one of the shops downtown and I thought you'd like the pink one - because you're the pink Care bear - and then I saw the matching black one which I thought was nice so I brought them."

Lies. Actually, more effort went into them because I didn't find them downtown nor did I just get them because they were cute, instead I made them myself and I made them because they may potentially save her life one day.

Caroline slowly gulped down her sweet and a huge smile replaced the once confused look as she reached forwards and grabbed the pink one, "When did you become all mushy?"

"Shut up." I replied.

"Lesbian friendship bracelets, because we're freaky like that." Caroline teased, winking at me as she tapped my hand with her finger.

I rolled my eyes at her and let a small laugh escape my mouth, "You wish, Forbes. Just, promise you'll keep it on, okay?"

Caroline nodded and placed it around her wrist and then took it upon herself to put the black one around my wrist, smiling happily as she pressed our wrists together.

"I have got so much to tell you." Caroline said, resting her hands on top of mine and smiling, "I-well-I can't believe this but I think I like Matt."

My face immediately scrunched up in disgust, "Matt? Gross! I thought he was all loved up with Elena still. Didn't they used to date?"

Caroline's energy seemed to hit rock bottom as soon as I said that, "I know. He hasn't moved on from her still. We're not together but we've like-well-peaked as friends. I just feel like i'm always competing against her."

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