𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐨

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Song; Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood

"Why are you here?" I asked as I took a seat on the bench outside of the high school, my head in my hands whilst Damon and Kaiden took a seat opposite me.

"I'm here because I want to be." Damon shrugged, "But he-" he pointed at Kaiden, "is here to 'watch over me' apparently. Why are you here?"

"Because Caroline would've kicked my ass if I didn't." I replied, lifting my head up out of my hands and sighing, "I'd much rather be in bed-where are you going?"

Damon suddenly jumped up and walked away from us but me and Kaiden quickly followed after him when we saw him walking towards Stefan.

"Bonnie deactivated the Gilbert invention, Isobel's gone and it's Founders Day." Damon said when me and Kaiden came to a halt beside him, "I'm here to eat cotton candy and steal your girl."

I slapped Damon on the arm but it went completely unnoticed by him who barely even looked over his shoulder at me.

"Don't start with me, Damon." Stefan scoffed.

"Oh, you started it, Stefan." Damon sighed, "With that whole 'I'm insecure, leave Elena alone' speech. I'm still enjoying that."

Stefan nodded and folded his arms across his chest, "As long as you heard it."

"Wait, what?" Damon mocked, "What? What was that? You have no sense of humour, Stefan."

"Actually, I just have no sense of Damon humour." Stefan corrected, patting Damon on the shoulder.

I laughed but Stefan shot me a look, "You have the same humour as him."

"Look, I get it." Damon said before I could snap, "I'm the better, horror, superior choice and you're scared now that Katherine's out of the picture, I'm going to turn all my attention onto Elena. But, don't worry, Elena is not Katherine."

Just then, I caught a glimpse of Elena walking over in a traditional beige dress that we all used to wear in 1864 and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I stared at her curled hair.

"Bad timing." I whispered as I looked up at my brothers and saw all three of them staring at her in complete awe and shock, "Come on, the parade's staring."

Me, Kaiden and Damon all gathered along the street where the float was positioned in the middle, the marching band in front and parading down the street.

The Miss Mystic Falls court and their escorts were all lined up on the float, Caroline stood at the top as she was Miss Mystic Falls.

Stefan and Elena waved at us which we all returned, and then I saw Caroline waving more enthusiastically at me to make sure I saw her.

I laughed and waved back as Matt waved back once again.

Later that night, I found myself at one of the food stalls, ordering something for Caroline and myself. Finally, I had a moment away from my brothers.

"So," I said as Caroline and I settled on a nearby bench, "how are things going with you and Matt?"

"Really good, actually," Caroline replied, her face lighting up with a smile. "I really like him, Rossana, and I believe he likes me back."

"That's great," I nodded. "All I care about is that he treats you well, unlike Damon."

"Speak of the devil," Caroline mumbled, her expression darkening. She abruptly stood up and left.

I turned to see Damon marching towards me, his face contorted with anger. As soon as he reached me, he grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

"What are you doing?" I protested, slapping his arm as I dropped my food.

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