𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥

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Song; Fix You by Coldplay

After my conversation with Kaiden, he went to bed just as Damon came in looking as heart broken as Kaiden did.

Turns out Katherine was on a heart hunt that night and succeeded in breaking two, telling both of my older brothers that she never loved them but only loved Stefan.

Both of my brothers were unstable and I was furious with Katherine, that night I went to find her but Stefan got home and stopped me, which was pretty smart because Katherine probably would've killed me the second she saw me.

I kept a close eye on both of my brothers and saw that they had gone back to completely shutting off on me and ignoring the fact that they were hurt and were now making fun of Stefan.

"I like this." Damon smirked as he stared at me and Stefan, "You two. . .walking on eggshells around me because you think i'm gonna explode. It's very suspenseful. Is Elena worried too, Stefan? I bet i'm your every conversation."

"I'm going to smack you so-" I began to threaten him but Stefan grabbed me and pulled me back.

He quickly changed the topic to save me and Damon from having a cat fight in the middle of the drawing room, "Have you heard from Katherine?"

Damon ignored Stefan's obvious chance to try and get to him and quickly changed the subject, "I think the Lockwoods have a family secret. The Gilbert device affected them but vervain didn't. So they're not vampires, they're something else."

Stefan looked at me with raised eyebrows but I simply shrugged, I didn't know what the hell Damon was talking about but as long as he was talking and didn't shut down on us, "Is this your new obsession?" Stefan asked.

Damon furrowed his brows, "Oh, you'd rather some unknown supernatural element running rampant in our town. Fine. I'll drop it."

Stefan sighed but I shook my head, telling him to just not retaliate. He rolled his eyes again, "We haven't seen the last of Katherine. You do know that, right?  We have no idea what she's up to."

Damon scoffed and stood up straight, folding his arms across his chest, "Sure we do!  She came back to profess her undying, eternal love for you. So i'm going to let you deal with her because I have more important things to do like. . .explode. Cheers!"

He walked out of the room and Stefan looked up at me, as if to ask me for answers, "Don't look at me!" I shouted, "He's the crazy one!"

"Where the hell is our eldest brother, anyway?" Stefan asked, getting up and following me as I walked over to the alcohol stand and poured myself a glass of bourbon.

"I don't know." I shrugged, "I haven't spoken to him since I found him after Katherine broke his heart. . .again. Don't let her get in your head as well, Stefan."

Stefan smiled and patted me on the back, "Don't worry, I don't love her, it was all fake. Kaiden and Damon need to realize that."

Later that night, I attended the Mystic High school annual carnival with Stefan who was adamant on finding Elena. I tried to help reassure him that she was okay and Katherine wasn't that stupid to actually harm Elena but he didn't calm down.

I headed over to the popcorn stand and grabbed myself a tub, smiling to myself as I consumed the salty snacks.

"Hey, Rossana?" Matt said, appearing behind me and tapping me gently on the shoulder, "Has Caroline phoned you?"

I shook my head and quickly swallowed my popcorn, "No, I rang her but she told me she needed some sleep so I let her go. Is everything okay? Matt, is she okay?"

𝐖𝐇𝐎'𝐒 𝐀𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐌𝐄Where stories live. Discover now