𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟

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Song; Birds of a feather by Billie Eilish

The fact that Caroline was a vampire still felt like a lie. Like some bad dream that I was yet to wake up from, yet she was.

In one way, I'm glad she was. Damon fed her his blood at the hospital to help her recovery, which explained why it was such a quick recovery, but Katherine decided to kill her to get to us.

Luckily, Damon's blood kept Caroline alive, but that meant she would forever be seventeen, forever a vampire.

"I promise i'll be straight over." I said, jogging down the stairs whilst on the phone to Caroline, "I've just got to go find something out and then me and Stefan will come down with Bonnie so she can give you your daylight ring."

Caroline sighed heavily, "Please do! I'm going to go mad stuck in these four walls inside the shade all day!"

"Okay!" I laughed, grabbing my leather jacket from the kitchen counter and hurrying into the living room, "I'll see you later, Care Bear."


I walked forward and sat down on the sofa next to Elena and Stefan, Damon sat on the armchair beside us and Alaric opposite.

"Sorry about that," I said, smiling at Alaric, "I just had to talk to Caroline, you can carry on now."

"Thank you," Alaric laughed, smiling at me and shaking his head, "Isobel write about the lycanthrope."

"Werewolves?" I said, squinting my eyes and leaning in closer to Alaric, "Seriously?"

"No way." Damon said, shaking his hand in dismissal, "Impossible. Way too Long Chaney."

"Is it?" Stefan questioned.

Damon rolled his eyes and I forced myself to look away, anytime i looked at him he made me want to throw up, "I've been on this plant one hundred and sixty-some-odd years and never come across one. If werewolves exist, where the hell are they?"

"Why do you suspect the Lockwoods?" Alaric asked.

The front door suddenly slammed shut and Kaiden came walking around the corner, "Because vervain didn't affect the mayor on Founders Day but the Gilbert device did. And it affected his son, Tyler."

I looked over my shoulder and shook my head, "Listening into our conversations is creepy, Kaiden."

"And at the school carnival, his Uncle Mason exhibited inhuman behaviour when he fought one of the carnival workers." Stefan added, ignoring my comment, "It suggested some sort of a supernatural entity."

"We were hoping that Isobel's research could help us figure out what it is." Elena said, moving closer to me when Kaiden forced himself in between her and Stefan.

"Well, all of her things are still at Duke." Alaric said, kicking his feet up on the coffee table, "I mean, her office is still there. She's technically still missing."

"Can we get access to it?" Kaiden asked, clapping his hands together and rubbing them enthusiastically, "We need to know what we're dealing with. If this werewolf thing is true, I've see enough stupid teen romance movies to know it's not good."

I failed to keep in my laughter as I looked at Kaiden, "You watch teen romance?"

Kaiden completely ignored my question, "It means Mason Lockwood is a real-life Lon Chaney and that little Tyler punk may just very well be Lon Chaney Jr. Which means Bella Lugosi, meaning me, is totally screwed."

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