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Song: Way down we go by KALEO

After receiving a call from Elena and her informing me that all three of my brothers were currently stood in her house, I felt obliged to go there and try and save the poor girl from their bickering.

Instead, when I got there, they were all stood on the lawn all turned to me and Kaiden and Damon began to shout, asking me if I had took the Gilbert Journal from Alaric Saltzman, the history teacher.

"No I bloody did not!" I yelled as they both sped over to me and towered above me, "Why does he have it in the first place- Kaiden step back, what if your problem-move!"

Kaiden had gotten way too close for my liking and apparently for Stefan's because he grabbed the back of Kaiden's jacket and dragged him backwards.

Stefan positioned himself in front of me, glaring at Kaiden, "You heard her, she didn't take it, now take. . .a. . .step. . .back."

Kaiden scoffed and shook his head, "Who else knew it was there?"

Stefan's head drifted over to the living room and Damon ran over, peered inside and saw Jeremy sat on the sofa.

"No!" Elena shouted as Damon began on his way to the front door of the house, "Damon! Leave him out of this!"

"Whats the big deal?" Damon shrugged, walking in and taking a seat on the arm of the sofa, looking down at Jeremy, "So, I heard you found a really cool journal from back in the day. Who else did you show it to?"

"Huh?" Jeremy hummed, too focused on the game to even take notice of Damon's question.

"Don't ask questions." Damon said, Kaiden walking around and planting himself directly beside Jeremy, "Just spill."

"You're kidding me, right?" Jeremy scoffed, looking past Damon and at his sister, Elena.

"Jer," Elena said, "did you tell anyone other than Mr. Saltzman about Jonathon Gilbert's journal?"

"Why is everybody obsessed with that thing?" Jeremy asked, looking more clueless than a fish out of water.

"Who else did you tell?" Elena pressed.

Jeremy shrugged and leaned back, "Just that girl, Anna."

Kaiden leant in and raised his eyebrows, "The hot, weird one?"

"Yeah." Jeremy nodded.

"What kind of description is that?" I asked, shaking my head at Kaiden but he shrugged, "Who even is that?"

"That's what me and Kaiden wanna find out." Damon replied, raising his eyebrows at me to get me to stop talking, "Jeremy, how do you know her?"

"I just know her." Jeremy chuckled, looking up at me and Stefan for help when his sister ran off too take a phone call, "She wants to meet at the Grill tonight."

"Perfect!" Kaiden explained, "Rossana will drive, won't you, Rossana?"

"No." I shrugged, "I'm staying with Stefan, I'm not going anywhere with you two."

"I agree." Stefan said, walking forwards and placing a hand on my shoulder, "Kaiden, you brought your car so you can drive down there."

Kaiden slapped Stefan around the back of the head as they left, resulting in me taking off my high heel and aiming it straight at Kaiden's back. It hit him but didn't affect him one bit.

"Come on." Stefan said, taking my hand after Kaiden had drove away with Damon and Jeremy, "I've got to show you something."

He led me upstairs and into Elena's room, who was just finishing up on her phone call when we entered.

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