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A/N: Hi, hope you enjoyed the Zoe part. This will be the last Zoe part for the next 5-7 chapters so be ready for that! Enjoy!

Zoe's POV

Mary Hale and I were walking on the streets of Washington DC, just chatting. It was 3 pm, and we were enjoying our day off. Of course, it wasn't that simple. Mary had suggested that we go for a walk in Deanwood, a place known for its less-than-savory reputation in Washington DC, So, we hopped in Mary's car and drove down to Deanwood. Mary was explaining how she had become a part of the CIA. It was a fascinating tale since she was one of the few in the Hale Family who hadn't been forced to do so by their parents. We noticed a person in black following us. Mary and I exchanged glances, and silently agreed on a method of approach. It was standard CIA protocol, how could we not know what we were supposed to do? We turned onto a random street. The person followed us. We turned again, and this pattern continued. This person was surprisingly persistent, and we had gone down enough streets to guarantee it wasn't a coincidence. In a hushed voice, Mary whispered, "Zoe, let's slow down, I'm going to try to see what his issue is." I nodded, and we slowed down. The hooded figure, who I deduced was a man by his body shape reached into his pocket. I noticed the telltale bulge of a gun in there. My eyes widened, this wasn't something I had expected. The average mugger didn't have a gun. He raised the gun, trying to steady the bead on her, unaware of the fact that we knew what he was doing, and we were prepared to fight back.

Just before he was about to fire, Mary wheeled around and smacked the gun out of his hand, effectively disarming our assailant. However, the impact of her strike caused our assailant's hand to tense on the gun and he squeezed a shot out of his gun. The shot went wide. The figure immediately turned, not distracted by her lightning reflexes. He tried to punch Mary, but she ducked and elbowed him in the face, before throwing him into the wall. He got up and charged at me this time. I wasn't fazed. I figured I would let him come to me, which gave me time to ready a devastating assault. As he swung at me, I easily sidestepped his amateurish strike. Letting his momentum be his weakness, I used his instability from his last punch to trip him and send him flying into the street. Slamming my boot into his back, I made sure he wouldn't get up.

Mary quickly ran towards our attacker and secured him with zip ties. She turned to me, breathing heavily, and asked, "Did that get your heart racing?" I chuckled and helped her drag the hooded figure to her car. Opening the trunk, I noticed a set of handcuffs and a chain on the floor. Mary used the handcuffs to restrain our assailant and closed the trunk with a slam. We drove away from the scene, speeding to get back to the Hale house with what could be our first lead.

A/N: A little action scene. This is the last of Zoe's scenes that you will see for a while. Action scenes like this are the hardest to write, and I will probably revise action scenes a lot. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give feedback on these, these are hard to do.

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