Like An Exam, Just Deadlier

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A/N: Hi. Unfortunately, I will probably only get three more chapters out this summer. Most of them are almost done, I just need to schedule the releases of the other one. However, everything is a mess. The chapter "Introductions Are In Order" was supposed to be released Tuesday, June 2nd, if that gives you any idea how screwed up the schedule is. Oh, btw, hope you liked that long chapter. Do you like the longer format, or should I stick to what I was doing earlier? Enjoy!

Zoe's POV

I woke up 30-minutes before I was supposed to report to the garage. Even though I trusted Charlie, I still was concerned. Thinking back to my SACSA exam, there was no way that a kid that worked for the FBI could pass one of spy school's combat exams. Knowing Erica and Cyrus, they probably had some grueling physical challenge, where as Ben and Mary would try to overwhelm Charlie and get to know how he thinks. Trixie on the other hand, was devious. She was just like her sister, Erica. just nicer.  Heck, rocks were nicer than Erica.

I got out of bed quietly, trying not to make noise. Charlie was sleeping soundly on the couch on the far side of my room. He didn't move as I grabbed clothing and walked into the bathroom to change. I used my foot to nudge the door closed, but it still closed with a loud thud. I grimaced, hoping that I hadn't woken Charlie up. Tensely, I waited for what seemed like a sufficient amount of time, and then started getting changed. I put on my clothing, brushed my teeth, and walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey, why are you up so early?" I gasped in surprise, before wheeling around. Charlie sat on my bed. He looked very nonchalant, with his legs crossed, and arms spread apart to stabilize himself. "Charlie", I said, "You have your testing in an hour. I need to go help them set up." He looked at me funnily, like he didn't quite know what to think. "Zoe, can you be honest with me?" "Of course I can Charlie," I responded. "What do you need me to answer?"

"Zoe, do you think that I can be a spy?" I scoffed a little, slightly offended. He seemed to notice that I was unhappy with that question, so he followed up: "Why does that question make you upset?" I sighed a little, realizing how immature I was being. I gave him a straight answer. "Charlie, I am the only person right now who believes that you have what it takes to be a spy. I put my reputation out there for you. Now, I will probably not be allowed to go on another mission with Cyrus because of this. But I don't regret it. If you actually have what it takes, I will be super happy. Just don't be nervous: it's like an exam, just deadlier. Oh, and arrive 20 minutes early. On time is late for the Hales."

He smiled at me, and I felt my heart leap into my throat. "Thanks for the advice. I'll see you later," he said. Flustered because of his smile, I only nodded, and then walked away from my room quickly, making sure that I closed the door so Charlie could go back to sleep.

The balls of my feet quietly pressed against the stairs, as I slowly moved down the stairs. I was trying to be quiet, maybe Catherine or Erica wouldn't notice me. I highly doubted that the Hales were still sleeping. We were to report to the garage in 20-minutes, and for them on time is late. Upon entering the kitchen, I found Ben, Mike, and Trixie sitting at the table. They were eating quietly, all looking at their phones. Tugging the door of the refrigerator open, I grabbed the container of yogurt and an apple, which I sliced with a butter knife. I combined them with a spoon, and sat down, next to Trixie. She looked at me curiously, before speaking her mind. "Zoe, why did you push Catherine so hard to accept Charlie. You only met him yesterday, and now you want him to be a part of a top secret, off the books mission? I know your a great spy, far better than me, but I do have my doubts. In fact, follow me, I have something I need to ask you."

I had barely sat down, when Trixie abruptly stood up, expecting me to do the same. We walked around the corner to the living room, before she asked: "Zoe, I'm concerned that your feelings are clouding your judgement." I felt my cheeks get hot.

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