Part 5 "The magician"

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Daisy had gone out shopping after a long time. Due to Erica having some work, Daisy had to take on the chore today. Reluctantly, because Erica usually manages the household tasks every time.
Even on a winter morning, Daisy was sweating under the intense sun. To add to it, a sudden downpour had just started, making Daisy rush out with a shopping bag, feeling harried.

"Oh my goodness! If I can just get home with this heavy bag, I'll be saved!"

Just as Daisy closed her umbrella and stood on the roadside, she saw a boy standing in the middle of the street, with a car speeding towards him.

Without a second thought, Daisy dropped her bag and ran to save him.
She pulled the boy away just in time.

Due to the force, both Daisy and the boy fell down.

"Are you okay?"
Whether he heard her or not was uncertain. Soon, his eyes slowly closed.

"He's burning with fever! Someone, please arrange a car to take him to the hospital!

By now, a crowd had gathered. One of them stepped forward to arrange a car. Daisy quickly got into the car with the boy.

The boy's head was on Daisy's lap. His forehead had a small cut from the fall, and his hands were scraped. Blood had started to drip from his hand due to hitting a rock.

Daisy took out her handkerchief and tied it around the boy's hand to stop the bleeding.
Only then did she observe the boy's face. Much like her, he had brown hair, a fair complexion, and a lean but well-built body from gym workouts.
When they arrived at the hospital, the receptionist exclaimed,

"Oh my! That's Zayn Jones! What happened to him?? Ward boy! Quickly arrange for him to be admitted."
They swiftly admitted the boy.
Daisy waited outside for a while.

"Are you a relative of his?" (the receptionist asked Daisy)

"No. Actually, he ended up in this state because of an accident on the street. Do you know him?" (Daisy)

"Know him? He’s the only son of politician Alex Jones and divorce lawyer Kayra Ma’am! Who doesn’t know him? He’s worth millions!"

Daisy said nothing more, only suggesting,

"Please arrange to inform his family."

Before Daisy could say anything else, an elderly man rushed into the hospital.

"Zayn! Where is Zayn?"

"Who are you?" (receptionist)

"I’m Robert Jones, Zayn's grandfather." (Robert)

"Zayn Jones has been admitted to room number 106."

The elderly man didn't wait any longer.

"You helped him so much, but what is your name?"

Whether Daisy heard this or not was uncertain. Without any response, she walked out.

"Alex Jones and Kayra Jone’s son? Why does the name sound so familiar?"

Suddenly, Daisy recalled that voice message with lightning speed.

"So, he’s the one who sent me the voice message explaining his problems! Could it be that his current state..."

Before finishing her thought, Daisy ran towards Zayn’s room without waiting a moment longer.

Zayn had been shifted to a normal bed after receiving a bandage on his head.

Inside the room, only Robert Jones, Zayn's grandfather, was sitting. Zayn had regained consciousness a short while ago. He was perhaps talking to his grandpa. After a quick glance from outside the door, Daisy moved away.

As soon as Zayn regained consciousness, he found himself on a hospital bed. Seeing him, Robert anxiously said,

"Zayn! Are you okay?" (Robert)

"Grandpa, how did I end up here?" (Zayn)

"We’ll talk later. You should rest now." (Robert)

"Grandpa, please! I was on the street, but I remember a girl with brown hair and a faint silhouette. That's all I recall!" (Zayn, holding his head)

Suddenly, Zayn noticed his hand.

There was still a handkerchief tied around it. Soon, it would be bandaged as well.

Staring at the handkerchief, Zayn said,

"Is this the girl's handkerchief?"

Suddenly glancing at the door, Zayn said,

"Who was standing there?"

"I’ll check. You rest, dear boy."
Saying this, Robert stepped out of the room.

"Excuse me!" (Robert)

Daisy was about to leave when she heard someone call her. She halted.
Turning around, she saw the elderly man standing there.

Robert approached and said,

"Are you the one who saved my grandson's life?" (Robert)

"Ummm, yes!" (Daisy)

Joining her hands in gratitude, Robert said,

"You don’t know how much you have helped me! I don't know how to thank you." (Robert)

"Oh, sir, you’re like my own grandfather! But I do have one request, will you please honor it?" (Daisy)

"Of course my child!" (Robert)

"Your grandson seems to be mentally distressed. If possible, please give him some mental support. I must go now. Take care."

Saying this, Daisy left the hospital.

"The girl was very sweet! But why did she say such a thing all of a sudden?" (Robert)

While returning home from the hospital, Zayn gazed out of the car window. The morning rain had given the city a different appearance.

"That unknown person was right. If I hadn’t listened to  and gone today, perhaps I would have faced even greater harm in the future. Thank you, unknown magician! If only I could thank you in person once!"

Suddenly, Zayn decided to send another message to that profile.

"You might truly be a magician. Because of you, many uncertainties have become clear to me today. Even if love is not meant for me, you saved me from harm. If we ever meet in person, I’ll thank you again. Thank you, magician."

Seeing the message, Daisy  smiled slightly.

To be continued...
Written by- Porna

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