Part 11 "Silent way"

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Today, for the first time, Daisy
is going to her new college. Studying computer science and establishing herself might be one of the most crucial steps in her life.
As she was closing the door after getting ready, she saw Zayn locking his door as well.
Seeing Daisy, Zayn smiled and said, "Good morning!"
"Good morning," replied Daisy.
"Heading to college?" asked Zayn.
"Yes, and you?" Daisy responded.
"Same. So, which college are you going to?" Zayn inquired.
"I'm going to ***** College," Daisy answered.
"Really? My college is on the same route. Let's go together then. It's a walking distance anyway, so it won't take long," Zayn suggested.
"Do you know the way?" , Daisy asked.
"More or less, checked it online. Let's go then. By the way, I hope you don't mind me addressing you informally?" Zayn added.
"No, it's fine," Daisy said with a faint smile.
They set off together towards college. Just outside the apartment was a big road, and at its end was the college.
"So, what's your college's name?" Daisy asked.
"Listen, I'm not some sixty-year-old man, so please stop calling me formally. Also, you did propose friendship yesterday, and it's odd to hear you addressing me formally," Zayn remarked.
"I don't get close to people easily. In life, we make a lot of friends, but how many can we genuinely call our close friends?" Daisy explained.
"Well, after what you just said, I have nothing more to add," Zayn sighed.
Daisy didn't respond.
Suddenly, Daisy's phone rang. It was her sister, Erica.
"Yes, sister, tell me," Daisy answered.
"Are you on your way to college or still sleeping?" Erica asked.
"Come on, sister! I'm almost at college," Daisy replied.
"Okay, go safely. Are you having any trouble finding the way?" Erica inquired.
"No, actually, I'm with someone who knows the way," Daisy said, glancing sideways at Zayn.
"Really? Who?" Erica asked.
"Just a neighbor. His college is on the same route as mine, so we thought of going together," Daisy explained.
"Good decision. But what's his name? Is he trustworthy? Be careful in a new city," Erica warned.
"Yeah, yeah, sister, I remember. I'll tell you everything later. For now, bye. Make sure to eat on time and take care of yourself," Daisy said, hanging up.

"Your family?" Zayn asked.
"Yes, my sister," Daisy  answered.
"Who else is in your family? Your sister seems very close to you," Zayn observed.
"My sister is my only family. It's just me and her. I don't have anyone else. Please don't ask me more about this," Daisy replied.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," He apologized.
"It's okay. It's not your fault. Look, my college is here. Thank you very much for your help," Daisy said.
"No need to thank me. Let's go inside," Zayn said.
"Inside? Aren't you going to your college?" Daisy asked, puzzled.
"This is my college," Zayn said.
Daisy stared at him for a moment and then understood.
Zayn smiled slightly and walked into the college.

Daisy also smiled and went inside.

Inside the college, Daisy realized that she had little in common with the other students. They were from the so-called upper echelons of society. Daisy sat in a corner of the classroom. After finishing all her classes, she came out of college. As she looked around, suddenly someone patted her on the back and said,
"Looking for me?"
Daisy turned to see Zayn standing there.
"Oh! It's you. I thought…" Daisy started.
"What did you think? Someone else? But there aren't many people here who speak to you like I did!" Zayn teased.
"That's true," Daisy agreed.
"Let's go home," He suggested.
"Your classes are over?" Daisy  asked.
"Yes, today being the first day, the professors didn't say much. I took some notes that I need to complete at home," He replied.
"What are you studying?" Daisy asked.
"Journalism," he answered.
"Wow! But I don't understand one thing," 
"How can you be so friendly with a stranger like me? You seem like an introvert," Daisy observed.
Zayn looked down and smiled slightly.
"What happened? Did I say something wrong?" Daisy  asked.
"No, you're right. I am an introvert. Very much so. I talk less and don't mix well with people.
It's not that we introverts talk less; rather, we don't find trustworthy people to share our thoughts with. In the end, we might drown in the sea of loneliness. But we also crave a breath of fresh air that helps us breathe easy. Whenever we find someone we feel might listen to us, we come out of our usual shell and perhaps gather strength to float in the silent sea of solitude," Zayn explained.
Daisy listened attentively to his words.

She noticed Zayn's calm, quiet gaze.
"Hard to believe, but this is the same person to whom I spoke about life's harsh truths. Seeing him truly understanding my words now feels good," Daisy thought to herself.

"What's the matter, ma'am? What are you thinking? We've reached our destination," Zayn said, smiling.

He smiled and went inside the apartment.

Indeed, many of us become introverts this way. From being a cheerful person to becoming quiet and calm, these stages witness many sleepless nights and silent winds.

To be continued…
Written by - Porna

Stay tuned for the next episode. Let me know how you liked this one!

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