Part 7 " The Hidden meet"

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"I told you there's no need for all this! But you never listen!" Robert said, clearly irritated.

"But Papa, she saved my life! Can't you find her for me? Can't you do this much for me?" Zayn replied.

"All I have is this footage. That's all you can see. I don't have any other information about the girl."

Saying this, Robert held his phone in front of Zayn, who watched the CCTV footage from the hospital. In the video, a young woman was talking to Robert. Zayn zoomed in on the footage to get a better look at her. But her face was not looks clearly there.

"So, she's the one who saved me yesterday?" Zayn asked.

"Yes. She didn't provide any identification at the hospital either. When I spoke to her, she told me to take care of you because you were mentally fragile. But why did she say that? Grandson, is your accident somehow related to any new problems with Jennie?" Robert asked.

Zayn chuckled slightly and said, "Problems? There can't be problems in a relationship that doesn't exist, Papa."

"What do you mean? You and Jennis..." Robert began.

"We broke up," Zayn stated.

"But suddenly?" Robert questioned.

"Jennie loves someone else. To her, our relationship was nothing but a burden. I couldn’t drag it on alone. So, I ended it," Zayn said, looking outside.

Robert placed a hand on Zayn's shoulder and said,
"Good! What you did was right. There's no point in dragging on a pointless relationship. You deserve better!"

"Before I go, I want to meet this girl and thank her, Papa," Zayn requested.

"Before you go? Where are you going?" Robert asked.

"Why? You were the one insisting I go to aborad for my studies. I’ve decided I’m going," Zayn replied.

"Really? Are you serious?" Robert asked.

"No joke, Papa. I can't stand the constant harassment by the press and media here anymore. I need to get away from all this. Please arrange everything, but before that, if you can, please bring this girl to me. She at least deserves my thanks. There are very few people left in today's world who would save a life amidst all the chaos," Zayn said with a sigh.

"I’ll see what I can do. You get some rest," Robert said as he left Zayn's room.

"This was bound to happen. I knew Jennie's true nature long ago but didn’t tell Zayn, thinking he would be heartbroken. But today, Jennie  herself removed her mask. My grandson is already so quiet, and this has broken him even more. Though I am pleased that he's going away for his studies, I'm also worried. But I know he will start anew and handle everything. But how do I find this girl?" Robert muttered to himself, looking at his phone in frustration.

Zayn stood silently on the balcony, looking out over the city.

"What has happened cannot be changed, but I won’t let anyone else break me again. In the new city, I won’t trust anyone. No one is worthy of trust, except maybe people like that anonymous person. If only I could meet them once!"

A gust of wind ruffled Zayn's short curly  hair. He looked at the handkerchief in his hand again. On one corner of the blue handkerchief, there was a small bird embroidered, spreading its wings as if ready to fly.

"But how can I leave you alone like this, Eri? Please tell me!" Daisy cried out.

"Daisy, you took the exam and won the scholarship! Now you can study at such a prestigious college and fulfill all your dreams! Don’t worry about me so much! I’m fine," Erica reassured her.

"But there’s no one here to look after you!" Daisy insisted.

"Oh come on! Let’s put my caretaking on hold for a few years. You get a good job and then treat me like a queen, okay?" Erica said.

Daisy hugged Erica tightly.

"But promise me one thing, Daisy?" Erica asked.

"What?" Daisy responded.

"Never let anyone else come before your dreams, not even me or anyone else. Love will come into your life, but having money makes everything else much easier, and I know you understand that. So always think about yourself first. This world is cruel! Everyone is chasing their own interests! If you fall into someone’s interests, they won’t hesitate to fake love just to fulfill their own. So be very careful!" Erica warned.

"Don't worry, Eri. I know that in this world, you are the only one who truly cares for me like a guardian. I don't need anyone else. I’ll make our lives better, just watch," Daisy assured her.

Zayn finished loading his bags onto the train and came out to see Robert one last time.

"Grandson, I’m sorry. I tried hard to find the girl, but it wasn’t possible," Robert said.

"Don’t be sorry, Papa. The world is round. If I ever meet her by chance, I’ll thank her then. Goodbye, Papa. Take care," Zayn said, getting on the train and taking his seat.

The train started moving slowly, in its own rhythm. Zayn took out all the photos of him and Jennie together and threw them out the window one by one. No, this time there were no tears in Zayn’s eyes. The feeling was a mix of a new beginning and the end of many things.

"You become the storybook of my childhood,
A love I can’t lessen even if I want to.
But another dry leaf proves it again, 'You are not mine.'
Time is needed to convince oneself of this.
After much effort, you didn’t try either,
Like a fantasy thought of a daydream,
Leaving me aimlessly, far, far away.
I remained, like that dry leaf,
With marks of waiting, the hit of rain, and the scar of neglect by greenery."

As she turned the pages of the book in her hand, Daisy's eyes stopped at this poem. She had made the book her companion for this long journey. To avoid looking at the person across from her, Daisy wore a mask and glasses.

"Why do I keep running into this person, God! Did they not recognize me? Even if they did, so what! There’s no need for me to hide like this," Daisy thought to herself.

To be continued...

Written By-  Porna

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