Part 15 "Attachment begins"

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Since yesterday, Daisy has noticed that something is off with Erica's behavior. She seems distracted, as if she's hiding something. Finally, on her way to college in the morning, Daisy called Erica and asked,
--What's going on, sis? Why are you avoiding me? What are you hiding from me? (Daisy)
--Me? Hiding something? Why would I do that! (Erica)
--Don't lie to me, sis. I've known you since we were little. I can tell you're lying about something. What's going on? Since yesterday, you've been acting strange, and your voice sounds so upset. (Daisy)
--No, silly girl. Nothing's wrong. What would I hide? It's just that I've joined a new office, so the work pressure is a bit high, which might be why I seem off. You just focus on your studies and don't worry about me, okay? (Erica)
--Are you sure? (Daisy)
--Yes, absolutely! (Erica)
--Alright, I'm hanging up now. I've reached college. (Daisy)

With that, Daisy hung up the phone. She noticed that Zayn wasn't around today. She hadn't seen him since the morning. Though she was a bit worried, she pushed the thought aside and focused on her day.

Standing at the gate, Addy saw her and smiled as he walked towards her,
--Good to see you! (Addy)
--Where's Rebeka? Hasn't she come yet? (Daisy)
--No, she's in class. She's mad at me, so I didn't go in. (Addy)
--Why? What happened this time? (Daisy)
--We usually come to college together since our houses are close by. But today, I was in a hurry and left early, so she's mad at me. I tried explaining, but she wouldn't listen! (Addy)
--You guys are something else! (Daisy)
--Please talk to her for me, Daisy. Please!  (Addy)
--Alright, I'll talk to her. (Daisy)

When Daisy reached the class, she saw Rebeka sitting in a corner. Daisy sat next to her, and Rebeka gave a dry smile.
--What's up? Why the long face? (Daisy)

Rebeka glanced ahead and saw Addy coming towards them.
--Daisy, let's move away from here. I don't want to be around certain people. (Rebeka)
--Aren't you going to attend class? Why should you leave because of others? (Daisy)

Rebeka sighed deeply and said,
--You're right. (Rebeka)
--Why are you so mad at Addy? He's upset seeing you like this. (Daisy)
--Mad? Me? I don't get mad at just anyone! (Rebeka)

Seeing Addy's dejected look, Daisy reassured him with a gesture.

When the professor arrived, everyone settled into their seats quietly.

As soon as class ended and Rebeka got up to leave, Daisy stopped her,
--Rebeka, come with me for a moment. (Daisy)
She led Rebeka to a quiet spot on the campus.
--What's the matter, Daisy? Why did you bring me here? (Rebeka)
--I wanted to tell you something. (Daisy)
--What is it? What’s so important that you had to bring me here? (Rebeka)
--When I was entering college today, Addy asked me to convince you to talk to him. Look, Rebeka, I’m no one to comment on your friendship with Addy, but as a newcomer, I just wanted to say that we all need a good friend in our lives. Watching your friendship makes me envious, you know! But staying mad and not talking can be really harmful. Even if you’re angry, talk it out. Talking can solve many issues. I hope you understand what I’m trying to say. (Daisy)

Rebeka hugged Daisy,
--Daisy, you really are a wonderful person, you know! (Rebeka)

Hearing this, Daisy smiled gently.

In the canteen, Addy was nervously biting his nails when Rebeka placed her lunchbox on the table and sat next to him,
--I'll forgive you this time. But if you ever leave me behind again, I’ll break your leg. (Rebeka said threateningly)
--Really? You're not mad anymore? (Addy)
Rebeka frowned and said,
--You owe Daisy for this. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have spoken to you. (Rebeka pouted)
--Sorry, my dear! I won't do it again. (Addy said, holding his ears)

Rebeka laughed at Addy’s antics. Seeing this, Daisy stood at a distance, signaling Addy that everything was fine. Addy responded with a grateful smile.

After returning home from college, Daisy freshened up and sat down to study. It got quite late, so she had cup noodles for dinner. When she looked at the clock, it was almost 1 AM.
--I haven’t heard anything from Zayn since morning. Is he busy? Or is he not at home? (Daisy thought)

She tried to listen through the wall but heard nothing. She even looked from the balcony but saw no signs of him.
--Should I check on him? But it's so late. Is it right to disturb him? Ugh! I should have checked in the evening. Should I go now? What if he's asleep? (Daisy thought)

With these thoughts swirling in her mind, Daisy finally decided to check on Zayn. She tiptoed to his door and hesitantly rang the doorbell. When no one answered, she rang it again. Eventually, the door opened.

The moment it did, Daisy asked,
--Are you okay… (Daisy)
But she couldn't finish her sentence. Zayn's disheveled appearance left her speechless. His eyes were bloodshot, hair messy, and his T-shirt looked crumpled. He could barely stand properly.
--Did you want to say something? (He managed to say)
--What happened to you? Are you okay? (Daisy)
--I'm fine. Just a bit of a fever. That's all. (Zayn)
--Did you take any medicine? Wait, I’ll get some from my room. (Daisy)

She ran to her room and brought back some fever medicine, only to find the door left open and Zayn sitting on his bed.
--Here, take this medicine. Have you eaten anything? (Daisy)
--No. The cook didn't come, and I couldn't order anything. (Zayn)

For some reason, seeing Zayn like this pained Daisy.
--Sit tight, I'll make something for you. (Daisy)

She hurried to the kitchen and quickly made some soup. Returning to his room, she found him lying on the bed.
--Here, have this soup first, then take the medicine. (Daisy)
She fed him the soup and gave him the medicine. Zayn, drowsy with fever, could barely keep his eyes open. She tucked him into bed and gently placed a wet cloth on his forehead to reduce the fever.

In his fevered state, Zayn started muttering,
--Please don't leave me! Please don't go! I'm so scared of being alone! Please don't leave me! I can't handle it! Please! (Zayn)

His words and tears tugged at Daisy's heart. She held his hand tightly and stroked his head.
--I'm here. You're not alone. I'm here. There's no need to be afraid. (Daisy)

Zayn, in his fevered state, clung tightly to her hand.

She continued to stroke his head, watching over him as he slept. Looking at his sleeping face, Daisy  realized that she might have crossed a line she shouldn't have. She had grown attached to him. The thought made her shiver.

To be continued...
Written by Porna

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