Part 10 "Sail the ship with Friendship"

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Harry brought Zayn to his new abode, a tall ten-story flat. In a city like this, the abundance of flats is hardly surprising. Zayn's room was on the fourth floor. After settling the reception formalities, Zayn headed straight for the lift; after such a long journey, there was no way he could take the stairs.

The surroundings of the flat were clean and pleasant. Reaching his door, Zayn unlocked it, wheeled in his trolley, and entered. Initially, the new room felt unfamiliar, but he gradually adapted. He opened all the windows and noticed a balcony attached to the room. However, the balcony was of little use as it faced another flat, offering no view of the city. Still, he kept the balcony door open to let in some fresh air.

"Time to decorate the room my way. And the classes start tomorrow," Zayn thought.

Meanwhile, Daisy, arriving by taxi, looked at the large flat building.

"My sister is spending so much money and working so hard for me. I must achieve all her unfulfilled dreams and stand on my own feet," Daisy resolved.

Entering her room, Daisy cleaned and organized everything. Having always had her sister Erica take care of everything, Daisy felt very lonely being so far away. After freshening up, she sat down with her books.

"Classes start tomorrow. Let me review what I've studied so far," Daisy thought.

Suddenly, her phone rang. It was Erica calling.

"Yes, Eri, tell me." (Daisy)

"Did you reach safely? Is the room okay?" (Erica)

"Yes, everything is fine dear. And don't worry so much. Take care of yourself and eat on time. Ok?" (Daisy)

"Yes, but I miss you so much." (Erica)

"Don't make me emotional now! Hang up. I have a lot of studying to do, and if I start crying, who will study for me? Hang up. And listen, I miss you too!" (Daisy)

"I miss you too, my princess!" (Erica)

As Daisy hung up the phone, she noticed a cockroach on the floor. Despite her usual bravado, Daisy was terrified of insects. Seeing the cockroach, she screamed and ran out of the room in a panic.

In her frantic dash, she collided with someone, and they both fell to the ground.


Hearing a man's voice, Daisy opened her eyes to see Zayn lying on top of her.

"You!" (Daisy)

Daisy quickly got up, pushing Zayn aside.

"What are you doing here? Were you following me?" (Daisy)

"Me? You were the one who suddenly fell on top of me! Why were you screaming like that?" (Zayn)

Then Daisy remembered the cockroach in her room. Swallowing hard, she thought, "Should I tell him about the cockroach? No, he won't help me! But if I ask someone else, it would be even more embarrassing! Oh God!" (Daisy thought)

"Are you worried about something?" (Zayn)

"Actually, there's a cockroach in my room..." (Daisy)

"A cockroach! You were running like that because of a cockroach?" (Zayn)

"Why? Can't people be afraid? Don't you fear anything?" (Daisy)

"Alright, alright, calm down. Let's see where the cockroach is." (Zayn)

"It's quite big. Be careful." (Daisy said, looking at Zayn)

"Is it in your room?" (Zayn)

"Yes." (Daisy)

Daisy led him to her room cautiously.

"Oh God, what now? I'm scared of insects too! And this cockroach once crawled on me as a child. Its prickly legs! Oh my God! God save me." (Zayn thought)

"There, next to the bed." (Daisy)

"Do you have a paper cup?" (Zayn)

"Yes, in my bag." (Daisy)

Daisy quickly fetched a cup and handed it to him. Praying silently, he managed to trap the cockroach under the cup.

Seeing the success, Daisy felt a wave of relief.

"Hold this cup for a moment." (Zayn)

"What? Me! Why me? What do I do?" (Daisy)

"Stop talking so much and just hold it. I'll get the insect spray from my room." (Zayn)

He ran to his room, fetched the spray, and sprayed around the cup.

"The cockroach is inside the cup! Why are you spraying outside? It won't die." (Daisy)

"If you talk too much, I'll put you in the cup with the cockroach." (Zayn)

Hearing this, Daisy angrily fell silent.

After spraying thoroughly, he sighed in relief and said,

"There's no need to be afraid now."

As Zayn looked at her, Daisy thought for a moment and said,

"Thank you."

"You helped me on the train, and today I helped you. The debt is paid. But there's one problem." (Zayn)

"What?" (Daisy)

"You wished we would never meet again, but unfortunately, I'm your neighbor." (Zayn)

"What!!" (Daisy)

"Yes, my room is right next to yours in this flat." (Zayn)

Daisy was taken aback.

"Don't worry. I won't bother you." (Zayn)

"No, no, that's not what I meant." (Daisy)

"I understand, ma'am. You said before that we shouldn't meet again. By the way, if you ever need any help as a neighbor, feel free to ask. I won't mind. Bye." (Zayn)

As Zayn started to leave, Daisy, feeling something, called out,

"Wait a minute." (Daisy)

Daisy took a few packets of lozenges from her bag and handed them to him.

"This is from me." (Daisy)

"Am I a child that you are giving me lozenges?" (Zayn said with a slight smile)

"Somewhere within us, the child still lives. Consider these for that child. And I'm sorry for all the bad behavior before. Since we'll be living next to each other for some time, friends?" (Daisy extended her hand)

He touched her thumb with his and said,

"Deal." (Zayn)

Daisy laughed.

To be continued...
Written by - Porna

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