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"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."
-Christopher Reeve



She looked over the buildings crowding each other down below. The wind swept her hair and it burned her eyes but it was worth it. With a mask she could do anything. She could kick ass to the highest levels and throw crime out the window.

Forget about how there was a chance she could die or break a bone. Powers or not, she could still punch a villain in the face and kick a robber in the crotch. So she grabbed the grappling gun and watched as the hook attached itself to the building across from her. With a wild grin, she jumped and cheered as she soared through the night. Screw superpowers, she was a hero altogether.

Dummies' Guide to Being a Superhero (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now