Seventeen: Otherwise Known as Fuego

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"If there is nothing but what we make in this world, brothers...let us make good."

- Beta Ray Bill

GRETAL WASN'T EXACTLY EXCITED TO be back in S.I.A headquarters, but she thank God that she had John by her side. And once she saw Blaise come up behind the she immediately relaxed. Blaise gave her a smile, looking forward as they passed by other S.I.A guards. Once they got to Cosby's office Gretal felt like she was going to explode. If Cosby even gives one hint of a sexist joke Gretal's going to beat his ass right there and then, she doesn't fucking care about the guards standing at the doorway.

Cosby stood up from behind his desk, a straight and serious expression on his face. When John and Gretal were at least five feet in front of him he greeted them. "John Summers, nice to see you." He glanced at her. "Miss Davidson."

Gretal rolled her eyes, scoffing.

John gave her a nervous glance before looking back at him. "Cosby, we need to talk."

Cosby sat back in his seat, hands folded neatly on the table. For a man who deals with crime and superheroes, he sure acts like a rich jackass, Gretal thought to herself. Cosby nodded slowly. "Well, I'm assuming that's why you're here, isn't it?"

Gretal sent him a glare as John crossed his arms over his chest. "Would you listen? This is serious-"

"Nothing is serious unless we're aware of it, Summers-"

"Cosby, listen-"

"And I know what you two have done the other day. Testing Gabriel Fisher for super powers behind my back, eh? I was suspecting something like that, especially from you, Miss Davidson. And-"

Gretal took a deep breath, remembering that John told her he would handle it right before they entered the S.I.A. John glared at him. "Would you stop talking and freaking listen-"

"You're devious, Miss Davidson, manipulative, ferocious, corruptive. Just like your father-"


Cosby closed his mouth, surprised by Gretal's sudden outburst. She glared down at him, eyes ablaze like fire. Blaise, who stood beside Cosby since it was job, stared at her in amazement.

"I'm fucking done! I can't fucking deal with you anymore! All you've done is gone against me. For what, because I'm a woman? Or because of my fucking father? I never did anything to you to deserve this kind of treatment! Just because I know Fuego's innocent doesn't mean I'm evil! I know he's innocent, Cosby. He saved my life, and you don't appreciate that. Not all villains are evil, and not all villains are villains - if you know what I mean. And not all are heroes. You need to fucking understand that. Mostly, sometimes people become bad just because they feel like it, sometimes they're forced to."

Cosby stood up and glared at her. "Excellent speech, Miss Davidson. But I'm afraid this changes nothing for you. Please leave my office. Both of you."

Gretal scoffed, heading towards the door. John was right behind her. "Oh, and Miss Davidson?"

"What the fuck is it?"

"Don't think you'll be allowed to enter this building ever again without a sincere apology and Arachne, Fuego, and their entire damn crew behind bars."

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