{Bonus Chapter #1} Hello From The Other Side

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[a/n: hey, guys! I know you were all exited for the bonus chapters so here they are!! quick note: instead of how I did in Dummies' Guide to Being a Superhero, I'm going to put author's notes in the beginning of the bonus chapters. They'll talk about how I came up with this and that for the extras. But I will always be leaving a description so I guess it really doesn't matter. Anyways, enjoy!!]


{BONUS CHAPTER #1: "Hello From The Other Side"

summary: In which Gretal Davidson discovers in some other alternate universe she still has to deal with John's shitty personality.}

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GRETAL'S GOING TO ADMIT IT. She wants to fucking kill John Summers for waking her up this morning early in the fucking morning. And it's a Saturday! Who the fuck wakes up their sidekick at 4:30 a.m. on a Saturday just to show them something "really cool that you have to see right now"?

She wonders how Beatrice even deals with her husband anymore. Husband. Gretal snorts. She would hate having to wake up to John's ugly face every morning.

Gretal yawned, trying her best to remember the pin to enter the warehouse. All she knows that it had a lot of fucking nines. She lets her mind stray and wonders if there was a sixty-nine in there somewhere and she giggles.

The door swings open and John raises his eyebrow, making Gretal jump back a few steps.

"Shit! You fucking scared me!"

John sighed. "I thought you would be out here. You always forget the pin, despite the fact that I told you to write it down or at least note it on your phone."

"You could've at least opened it slowly."

"You were wondering if the pin had sixty-nine in it, weren't you?"

Gretal rolls her eyes. "So what if I was?"

John shuts the door behind her with a look of disappointment. "You're fucking twenty, when will you ever grow up?"

Gretal shrugged. "Growing up is for pissy adults who don't know what to do with their lives so they decide its best to stay lame and never have fun."

"Wow, where'd you get that from?" John said flatly.

The left corner of her lip pulled into a smirk. "Your job description."

Beatrice walked into the kitchen and waved at Gretal. "Davidson, you have to see this!" The redhead said, grabbing onto her arm.

Gretal nodded, letting her drag her into the training room. Damn, Gretal told herself as she entered the familiar training room she kicked John's ass in, I haven't been here in ages.

She froze when she saw Oscar leaning against the wall to her left, practically snoring. She kicked his shin, raising her eyebrows in amusement when he yelped.

"They called you at four in the morning too, right?"

Oscar nodded, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Something about one of S.I.A's best scientist discovering something."

Gretal nodded and focused her eyes on the weird machine in the center of the room. It was sort of like a doorway. Except there was no door. Nah, that's not you would describe it. More like a weird thingy thing-

"Gretal, Oscar, come here." John said, waving then over.

Gretal sighed. When the hell did John become the boss of her? Then she realized he was technically her boss.

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