05- old friend -Jillian and Lucian

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Old childhood "friends" meet again at the same tree. Lucian sat against the tree, softly gazing at the sunset. Steps approached louder. The dog didn't bother. A familiar hand gently rubbed the shoulder of his. Lucian tensed up and jumped back.

Lucian: WHAT THE H-

Jillian stared blankly, the same smile since Lucian can remember.

Jillian: oh hello Luci! How I missed you!

She hugged "Luci", Lucian pushing her back. He stared at her with a threatening glare.

Lucian: it's Lucian. Why are you even here.

Her fingers brushed Lucian's hair down. Giggling a bit as she twisted a braid.

Jillian: Luci, you shouldn't get pressed just because I called you your real name.

Lucian pushed Jillian to the floor, quickly fixing up his hair. The girl smiled, grinning slightly.

Jillian: why are you pushing a lady? That doesn't seem very mascu-

The dog threw a rock at her eye. He panted in fear as the rock only melted into her eye, roots returning into skin.

Jillian: You're so silly Lu-

He grabbed a burning stick and threw it at her. The hound sprinted out, Jillian only smiling softly as she slowly turned into burnt wood.

Jillian: silly Luci, I'm not even here..

He paused, looking back at the burning tree. He tensed up at the sounds of giggles.

Lucian:... what the fuck..

He sighed, blinking for a moment just to see the tree back to normal. It was most likely a hallucination. He didn't know, and he could care less.

The same hand rubbed his shoulder again.

Jillian: your ideas are so antagonizing of me, it's very silly..

She smiled, the hound shivered more, this felt more real. He growled, a sharp glare towards the beauty of petals. He pushed Jillian aside, sparking a flame on his finger.

He pointed it to her as she laid somewhat injured against the tree.

Lucian: I'm not afraid to burn this tree or you.

Jillian chuckled

Jillian: oh lucy.. your mind is delusional.. I'm not even here!

Lucian: wh-

The girl poofed, only remaining roses beautifully grown. He coughed out some petals. In fear of the sight, the dog ran out of the area.

He panted, tired of running for 10 minutes straight.

Lucian: Maybe I should just actually sleep for once. I swear I keep seeing her there-

He stared at the card Quince gave to him, releasing a long, annoyed sigh.

Lucian: yeah.. therapy might help-



(IMPORTANT Note: NOTHING in here is canon, I'm only making some small stuff for characters, there's some ocs I added as well as you might notice.)

-Mr. Miles: Liam's mentor and Lucian's teacher, youngest out of all the teachers. He's very nosy.

-Quince: A swan not really great at showing how much she cares for Lucian.

-Mrs Kit: a married woman in her 30s, still not much info, but she's next door to Mr. Miles. Unlike him, she refers to her last name.



Liam: studying Malaysian since he got bored of French lectures. Yes, he did flirt with Lucian by calling him "chinta." Chinta means "my love," I felt like making Liam flirt first since Lucian is a bit more awkward about it. He knows 3 languages so far, English, French, and Malaysian.

Lucian: He's somewhat cocky but sometimes awkward. He also speaks spanglish, yeah, I hc his mom to be Puerto Rican and his dad as an African American. The guy is on testosterone currently. Really bad at literature as well. A dorky skater guy. Good at using a skateboard yet horrible at other forms of skating.

Abby: An adopted Peruvian orphan, after being found during a trip her dads went on. She used to only talk in Spanish, eventually learning English as she went into the academy. Hates Catherine with all her life, but holy shit she also loves her too. Very indenial about multiple things. Actually really good at literature, she just despises Shakespeare. Anger issues and copes by watching mini cooking videos.

Tac: An immigrant from Cuba who eventually got out of the country when he was really young. Detachable head that could easily be pulled out. He loves eating mints. Used to use crutches after accidently breaking his leg when he was younger. Best at math in the whole friend group.

Jillian: There's no knowledge about the real her. Is she even real? Maybe she was always a hallucination in Lucian's mind. Which, he eventually grew to hate, a beauty, yet a thorn. Besides, Lucian may have thought of her in the wrong way. (You'll learn more along the oneshots.)

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