06- sibling gossip -Jillian and Arthur

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Arthur sat on the bench, looking down as he was waiting for someone.

Arthur: Jillian, I know you're there.

Jillian popped out of the bush, giggling as Arthur fell over in surprise.

Jillian: pftt!

Arthur: Jillian what the hell-

Jillian: sorry- it's funny- oh yeah why did you ask for the baking soda-??

He just snatched it.

Arthur: it's NONE of YOUR business.

Jillian: oh! How is that little friend of yours??

He groaned, rolling his eyes as he ran the stick along the rock.

Arthur: it's nothing special.

Jillian: why it surely must be something, I mean you guys share a room together, blast kareo-

Arthur had a pissed and embarrassed look, Jillian simply smiled, knowing exactly what he was.

Arthur: how's the pup.

Jillian: oh! Lucian??

Arthur: yeah, he- wait, isn't it lucy???

Jillian took out a photo of Lucian talking with other students.

Jillian: He's trans and he thinks I'm a horrible person as always

Arthur: can't you just- not bother him???

Jillian shrugged, humming a small tune while plucking out the petals of a rose. Arthur sighed, flat on the bench.

Jillian: yknow, we should do something fun, we haven't hung out with each other for a while..

Arthur: yeah, sure- just not this friday-

Jillian tilted her head, leaning over arthur.

Jillian: why?

Arthur: Personal reasons. Anyways where do you wanna go-?

Jillian: oh! We should check out the new fair!

Arthur: last time we did you didn't pay my hospital bills for my broken leg.

Jillian: oh why brother, where would I get 5 thousand dollars? Besides, we fixed you with some posture practices, you were growing out a bone on your neck anyway.

Arthur: are you calling me big back.

Jillian: no, your posture was just... poor.

Arthur: You're acting like we live in wealth-

Jillian: just because I have certain words common to the rich, doesn't mean I'm like them, Arthur.

Arthur: k. Wanna go stargazing or something-

Jillian: Unfortunately, the clouds are covering most of the stars, sorry.

She hummed, continuing to pluck out the petals of roses.

Jillian: soooo.. how's school?

Arthur: we go to the same school and have the same courses.

Jillian: no I mean what's going on for you. Like you and....

Arthur looked a bit confused, tilting his head a bit.

Jillian: your tiny friend-

Arthur: Otis.

Jillian: mhm! How is it with him? You recently share a dorm with him. How does he brush his hair? Can I go by your dor-

Arthur: no. You're too nosy. Besides you should talk about yourself.

Jillian: ah, me and Polly are actually going to a botanical garden for research of a beautiful begonia, we're also planning to do one of those silly roadtrip challenges from a century old guide, lasting a month to travel across most of the world!... only if she agrees ofcourse, unless...

Jillian excitedly jumped, holding Arthur's hand while grinning widely.

Jillian: WE COULD DO IT!

Arthur: no, it always lasts like a month to complete anyway-

Jillian: aww-

An icecream truck passed by the both of the twins. It was labeled, "cold bites."

Jillian: oh! Remember what we used to do when we were younger? Running and chasing that van, we even almost destroyed it! You think they still have the cup of free mints?

Arthur: that seems more of a violent memory, but we could check.

Jillian immediately dragged Arthur, pulling him towards the truck. Arthur was used to this so his feet just dragged against the floor, as if he was light.

After grabbing icecream, the both of them laid down on the bench.

Jillian: so anymore information about the others o-

Arthur: I didn't come here to gossip.

Jillian: aww!! Cmonnn- then there's no point in this whole thing!!

Arthur: You're right, I'll go.

Jillian: oh cmon- we haven't seen eachother since awh-

Arthur disappeared, Jillian sighed, she just ending up walking back.

(Sorry for the short chapter gang, oh yeah the title doesn't match much but wtvr xd)

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