10- toying with top class -Edward x Oriville (rarepair)

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Finally, the school year was ending, and the finales wrapped up. All Edward had to finish up were some projects from few teachers.

The fox's heels of his shoes clicked the floor, tail dragging behind. Faint sneakers were heard at the end of the hallway. No one was in these halls as much as Edward.

He immediately turned hold his fist, only to pause at a flinching rooster, it was Orville.

"Paranoia, should've know that from you fox..."

He nervously snickered. The rooster placed his talons over the fox's fist, playfully slapping it down.

"What are you doing-?"

Edward questioned Orville, ears perking down with a harsh tone. He doesn't really like Orville randomly popping out of nowhere.

"Yknow just bored since finales ended-"

The rooster replied, carefully placing his arm over Edward's back. The fox huffed but didn't do anything and just allowed the rooster to rest his arm.

"Soooo.. Watchu doing foxy?"

Orville questioned

"I don't know."

Edward replied sternly.

The rooster dropped a note and gently kicked it onto Edward's tail. Before the fox could notice, Orville gave him a really strong noogie. The rooster ran out the halls before Edward can immediately punch him.


The fox quickly tried to fixed his hair, great. It was all curly now. He sighed, pausing as he felt a paper ball on his tail. Edward grumbled in annoyance, picking it up and reading it.

[Aftr School Rooftop "wink"]

*small confusing doodle in the corner, and scribbled out Edward and Orville doing.. something??*

Orville's complex doodles were always hard to tell. Anyways, the fox didn't have much to do so...

Rooftop, 3:32 pm

Edward cautiously peeked over the door's window, Orville seems to be on the bench doing whatever- He slammed the door open, surprising Orville.

The rooster almost dropped some sort of note-?.

No matter, the fox just "has" to see whatever Orville wanted.


Orville waves, Edward doesn't react and just sits next to him.

"What do you want now."

He looked at Orville, looking for fed-up. The fox just missed his bus for this, and now he has to walk home. This better me worth it.

"Yknow, just hanging out since I'm bored."

The rooster smirked, was that suppose to do something or-?? The fox cringed a bit, completely confused on what he's trying to do.

"Why am I supposed to be here?

The fox questioned.

"Because you cared"

Orville replied, offering leftover. He seemed.. genuine? Usually, he'd just say something stupid but, this seems more legit..??

The fox hesitantly took the treat, biting it. It tastes like paper.

"You were supposed to- nevermind, just read it"

Orville smiled, staring at the fox. Edward grumbled, ofcourse it waste an actual treat, just some wrapping paper he wrote on. He opened it to see another note...

[5pm, mountain side cliff across from the camp, meet ya there hotstuff!]

"You said hotsauce wron-"

And he was gone.

5pm, Moutain side cliff near camp.

Orville sensed Edward's presence and patted the spot for the fox to sit. He sighed, practically tired from the long walk. What does Orville want that makes Edward have to walk for sooo long?? And why does Edward even care??

"Ok, serious this time, read this"

He lent a note... opening it and it was.. blank??

"What's the meaning of-"

Orville clicked a light over it, flickering it.

"Hand me that you chicken-"

Edward snatched it, squinting at the note. Yeah he could read it.

"What is it trying to sa-"

Orville pecked Edward on the cheek, snickering a bit.

"Hope you're not too annoyed I made you walk a lot just so I can confess"

Orville smugly smiled, an egotistical stance as well. Edward paused to stare at Orville, trying to process what he even did.

"Can you do that again- I'm confus-"

Orville grabbed Edward's snout and kissed it again, pulling back with a confident expression. Edward, just realizing, was speechless.

"Am I going to have to walk another hour for something else-?"

The fox asked, exhausted before fainting. And Orville thought he was more dramatic than the fox. The rooster giggled, allowing Edward to rest his head on his shoulder.

"Heh, nice."

Orville cooed, spending most of the time Edward passed out by watching the sun.


Edward wearily woke up, ears hanging low.

"Wh.. what even happened-"

He stared at Orville for a second and sighed.

"Oh. I guess I like you too unfortunately."

The fox returned a slight smile, rare from him whenever he hangs out with Orville.

"Heh, knew it-"

"Shut up and watch the sunset."

"Cmon! Not atleast a smooch back??"

Orville teased.


The fox gave a quick cheek kiss and looked back at the sky, hugging his knees. The rooster rested their arm over his shoulder and rubbed his talons against the fox's shoulder. Maybe this isn't that bad.

[Finished yippeee!! Also an art chapter guys]

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