07- student president rivalry- Polly and Edward

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It was a day after winter break ended for all of the students and teachers a part of the academy. Each corner of the hall seemed to have recent posters, all of them being related to one event. Student presidency election. Oh! There's some posters for the vice ones too.

-with polly-

Polly carefully placed the posters along the pin boards and walls while Katy gave tape whenever polly gestured.

Katy: Lee, run down the storage room, we ran out of tape!

Lee nodded, leaving them for the storage room. Polly sighed, backing up a moment to check for any minor mistakes. She couldn't risk losing her relection to a homeschool fox.

Polly: the tape won't leave stick marks, right?

Katy: mhm, we got the tape you suggested, Pom pom!

Polly: great! So how about we start hanging up your posters, hm?

Katy: ah- right!

Lee came back with a stack of tape, lending it to Katy.

Katy: Thanks, Lee

Katy continued talking to polly as she was posting up the posters. On the other side of the hall, Edward stood.

-with edward-

The fox squinted at the look of polly's posters. Even 5th graders can do better than her. And there's too much. Even most of Polly's posters include words too  small to read. As well as block most of his already posted posters. For a president with a 3 year streak, it seems pathetic.

He rolled out his posters, as well as a full box of tape on the floor. The fox tapped organized posters. Towards his 5th poster, he felt a tap on the shoulder.

???: hey bu-

Edward immediately responded, harshly pinning the person on the wall. The rooster cocked its head, sweating a lot. Edward, annoyed, sighed. Turns out it was just Orville.

Orville: so do you wanna-

Edward: no. I have no interest in any of your offers and I'm clearly busy.

Orville: Seriously? With the poodle chick? Dude, you can probably easily beat her, she can get pissed easily.

Edward: I don't want to do anything against her, I'm not taking any risks. She knows many people, she has the advantage.

Orville: can I just stay here? Physics fucking sucks.

The fox grunted, a bit annoyed at Orville. He sighed, pressing his temple along his fingers roughly.

Edward: Just don't do any stupid shit.

Edward quietly continued posting up the advertisements, sometimes asking Orville if he could be able to read it from afar.

Edward ended up just asking assistance from Orville a few times until he completed the hall. The posters were aligned perfectly, each of them at least leaving a space just so they didn't all look clustered like the mess polly's posters look like.

-with polly-

Polly: Well, I think we're done for today. She stood back, double checking for any errors, after a bit she approved.

Polly: Lee, you can go back to class now. Thank you for your assistance. Just ask the counselor for a pass. You were with us for a while, rabbit!

Lee bowed, going back to the office, leaving Katy and polly to walk around for a bit. They needed a breather for a bit.

Polly: I wonder how the fox is doing-

Katy: you shouldn't worry too much about him, you already have like- most of the school's votes!

Polly: fair. Besides, he's too quiet. Barely social except for that new program. Besides, he probably didn't even st-

The poodle smugly turned around, immediately widening her stare at the left side of the corner.

Polly: Ah, Edward-!

The poodle awkwardly smiled, the fox looking unphased.

Polly: I haven't seen you start on the advertise-...

Katy tapped polly's shoulder and gestured her to look. The left side of the hall was filled with posters, not even hiding the other clubs' posters.

Polly: ah.. your posters seem so..

Polly mocked a squinting expression, Edward a bit annoyed.

Polly: not that bad- I wish you good luck, Edward!

Polly offered a hand shake with a fake smile, Edward twitched his head a bit to the side. He just scoffed at the request and gave a glare to the poodle.

Edward: you don't have to act, it's obviously fake. I heard you over anyway. You guys are really loud.

Polly sighed, having a bit of an irritated grin.

Polly: nice to meet you t-

Edward: I'll be off just so you can save your breath, it almost makes me feel bad for you how your vocal cords must be affected.

The fox walked off before polly can even respond. The poodle's eyebrows furrowed, pissed at him. The bunny just pats polly's back and leads her back to class before she can do anything to harm her goal.


sorry for leaving you guys for almost a month, I'm kinda trying to prepare for artfight but I'm gonna try my best to update for you guys now xd

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