08- hateful crush -Abigale and Catherine(rarepair)

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Abigale laid lazily along the couch, hanging from the armrest. Catherine sat on the other side, tossing chip flakes to abby's side. She eventually got annoyed and snatched the bag of chips, eating them aggressively. She eventually choked and laughed loudly.

Abby: shut the fuck up yo-

Catherine slapped her back, continuing her laugh fest. Abigale grumbled, annoyed by the rambunctious sound. Worst thing is that she has to get used to this for the year.

Now, why are they even paired together? They lost a bet.

Abigale could've been paired with tac but she agreed to the bet since she doesn't want to look like a pussy. Especially in front of Catherine. Sure, it's childish and worthless, but Abby isn't gonna get called a nickname for a year.

Abigale glared at Catherine. But she felt something.. different?? The laugh seemed more genuine, some tears at the edge of her eyes. She's beauti- no. She's being a jerk to her.

Abigale paused for a second. Catherine seemed... similar.. to the Catherine she admir-

Catherine flicked her forehead.

Catherine: hey, cheeto puff. You're doing that zoning out shit again-

Abby: .... AUHJH-

Holy shit she's into her.

Catherine stared at Abigale, weirded out by the random scream.

Catherine: what th-

Abigale immediately pinned her down. Catherine squinted at abby's face. Holy shit she looks crazy. And she's red??

Catherine: hey. Abbs. Get off-

Abigale just stared, panting, and sweating a lot. She immediately snapped back, falling beside Catherine.

Catherine: so... are you gonna tell me what just ha-


Catherine: geez- it's 12 am-

Abigale just grabbed a pillow and yelling into it.

The both of them ended up sleeping.

Only one of them.

Catherine covered her ears, irritated by the loud snoring. How did Tac even handle this?

She peeked over the ginger cat, sprawled against the bed. Catherine raised her by the shoulders, shaking her slightly.

Catherine: wake up

The ginger groaned, squinting at Catherine.

Abby: the fuck do you want-

She slapped Abby, abigale coughed.


Catherine immediately covered her mouth.

Catherine: stop snoring so fucking loud-

Abby scoffed and slept again. The pink cat sighed, laying down on her bed and sleeping too. Maybe she won't do any weird shit tonight.

Abby yawned, stretching out her arms. She rubbed her eyes, with a slight smile.

Abby: Maybe sharing a room with an asshole isn't that ba-

She paused, her eyes twitching at the sight of Catherine sleeping next to her. Abby was hesitant, shaking slightly. The ginger just sat at the edge of the bed, staring at the alarm.

5:30 am.

She read it over and over and over and ov-

Abigale slapped herself, she needed to get her act together. Maybe a cup of water will snap her out-

She just chugged the gallon and coughed. Looking back, Catherine wasn't there anymore. Abigale tensed up as she felt a grip on her shoulder.

Catherine: you left your laptop on my bed.

Abby: why were you even in my bed-

Catherine: you were the one insisting it- in some sleep talking shit-

Abby: oh f-

Catherine: don't worry, I'm fine with lesbians-

Abby blinked, 10 seconds later, she was ripping Catherine's pillow apart.

Catherine: WHAT THE F-

Outside cafeteria

Lucian and Tac chit chatted, talking about something.

Tac: are you sure that'll work? You tried it before and-

Lucian: don't remind me-
I can still see that in my dreams and saying it won't even help.

Tac: I can suggest therapy-

Lucian: nah, that shit is expensive. Hey, abby-

Abigale stared at Catherine from 8 tables ahead. How is she so- casual? A-

Tac: Abby? Are you ok?

Abby: y-yeah.

Lucian: you've been staring at your cru-

Abby: Lucian shut the fuck up-

Tac: Lucian!

Lucian: What? She's been staring a lot. I'm surprised you haven't even pointed it out.

Tac: you didn't have to be rude about it- sure it was since freshma-

Abby and Lucian: FRESHMAN YEAR?!

Tac: the summer program actually...

Abby: oh fuck no- I do not like her one bit.

Tac: you still kept her hair band?

Abby: wh- NO- I DIDNT-

Lucian: wait, tac. You're telling me you knew this shit-

The dog paused to bite out his sandwich and swallowed the piece.

Lucian: thfei wuhoul thifme-

Tac had a tired, done with this look.

Tac: yeah- oh! Her pj shirt is actually borrowed from Catherine during the sleepover

Abby: TAC-

The mouse just shrugged and ate his sandwich. Lucian laughed and gave tac a noogie.

Lucian: geez, it's like as if you're a matchmaker! Except a more accurate one-

Abby: did you even finish that letter yet-

Lucian: did you ever return that borrowed ribbon?


Lucian held up a recording of Abigale sleep talking.

Abigale: fuck.

Lucian: I mean we can be your wingman we don't mind-

Lucian chuckled

Abby: yeah like that shit is gonna happen-


F!Lucian: told ya-


[ conclusion- they're married🤯/j ]

Update!: I forgot to publish.

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