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ryo groaned and slammed his head on his screen. he had never been this fired up before. ❝i will get that crown from you! I WILL!


ryo gulped, rattled in tidying up the books he borrowed that some of them bounced off of his hands that it went flying out of his reach. he stared at it, trying to catch it up in the air, a hand suddenly appeared in a speed of light, grabbing the book before it could reach the ground.

his chest came in contact with his own but luckily it wasn't that impactful for him to fly off too.

ryo fluttered his eyes open and saw a view of a male's arm stretched out and eyes looking down on him. he was a bit taller, his head covering the lights up the ceiling behind him.

the male lowered his arm down and dusted the book he catched and reached it out to the fluttered male, ❝are you okay?❞ tilting his head, ryo suddenly panicked. ❝i- ah.. well, y-yes.

the male glanced at ryo's name imprinted on his uniform, ❝be careful next time.❞ he smiled. ryo was too flustered to receive the book by himself, the male had to open his hand for him. ❝i'll be going now, byebye!


ryo waited until the male was out of his sight. once he was, he had his mouth wide open, realizing the situation and regretting not asking for the male's name. ryo sighed and cursed under his breath. he glanced down at his phone and saw a message from the same user, the one he played with before.

✉️ 2

ppangya has logged in

be sure ur online this weekend

if you want that crown <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>


ryo had his brows creased again, but suddenly the feeling was different.

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