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the rumble of engines filled the air, a stark contrast to the comfortable silence between sakuya and ryo. the uneven sidewalk vibrated faintly with each passing car, their steps falling into an easy rhythm. a nervous flutter danced in sakuya's stomach as they walked, his heart skipping a beat every time their hands brushed against each other.

sakuya,❞ rryo finally spoke, his voice barely a whisper. he wouldn't meet sakuya's gaze, the weight of his next words heavy in the air.  ❝can we... keep this between us?

sakuya's smile faltered for a brief moment, a flicker of jealousy sparking in their chest. ❝could you look at me while you talk?

ryo hesitantly lifted his head, his cheeks dusted with a faint pink.

 ❝you mean me confessing?

he looked away again, a sigh escaping his lips. ❝i-i still like jaehee.

sakuya knew this, yet the confirmation felt like a punch to the gut. but a determined glint sparked in their eyes. a slow smile spread across their face, a hint of something dangerous lurking beneath the surface.

that's okay,❞ sakuya said, his voice in a low murmur. ❝i'll make my way through your heart.

with a swift movement, sakuya closed the distance between them, pinning ryo against the cool brick wall. ryo's breath hitched, his eyes widening in surprise. sakuya looked younger than him, but why does he feel weak all of a sudden?

and bear in mind,❞ sakuya continued, their voice husky, ❝that i'll succeed in doing so.

ryo's face burned a deep crimson. he was speechless, caught entirely off guard by sakuya's boldness.

sakuya finally stepped back, the question hanging heavy in the air. ❝do you want me to walk you inside?

ryo blinked, his gaze darting around before landing on the familiar facade of his house. how had they gotten here so quickly? he stammered a reply, his voice barely a whisper. ❝n-no, that's alright. i'll just...

the weight of the encounter with sakuya pressed down on him, a strange mix of fluster and apprehension. he fumbled for his keys, muttering a goodbye that sakuya might not have even heard.

stepping inside, ryo was met by an unsettling silence. it wasn't the peaceful quiet of an empty house, but a stillness that prickled his skin. he reached for the light switch instinctively, but nothing happened. a frown creased his forehead as he fumbled for his phone, the darkness pressing in around him.

making his way to the refrigerator by the faint moonlight, ryo used his phone's flashlight to check the calendar. his mother's words about the fukui promotion came flooding back. ❝great,❞ he muttered, a mix of emotions swirling within him.

he washed up quickly, exhaustion tugging at him. slipping into bed, he hoped for a night of uninterrupted sleep. but just as he began to drift off, a flicker of movement caught his eye. something small and dark was creeping its way towards the bed. panic surged through him as he realized it was a cockroach.

he lunged for it, heart hammering in his chest. but the creature was quicker than he thought. with a frantic swipe, he missed, sending it flying. the sound of its wings buzzing in the confined space sent shivers down his spine.

he scrambled off the bed, throwing the covers over himself for protection. if only riku were there, he wouldn't be facing this nightmare alone.

he crept towards the living room, his breath catching in his throat. a muffled curse escaped his lips. suddenly, a loud crash from the living room shattered the silence. heart pounding, ryo peeked over the edge of the covers. had he imagined it?

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