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his legs felt awfully still. the way his crush was staring at his friend like that made his blood boil. but he knows he shouldn't get mad at him, so he left.

"i'll be going now, byebye!"

he halted down the stairs and turned on his phone. he went online again and pretended like nothing happened. he saw nothing.

saku! there you are!❞ wrapping an arm around sakuya's neck, he faked a smile. ❝sorry, i had to stop for some books.❞ his friend pointed at his hands, looking at him unfazed, ❝and you made them disappear? wow what great magician you are.

i-i swear i did stop by for it! but i couldn't find the book i wanted—

carry on, saku. after skipping this class, i bet you'll wish for yourself to disappear too.

oh right, he skipped his father's classes. physics, to be exact. ❝i'm getting the hell outta here!❞ he ran as fast as he could but he could never outrun his friend, ❝i'm doing this for your own good! go or he's gonna kill you when you get home!

jaehee, help me please!

you have no other choices left!

PLEASE— i'll do anything!

a smirk. sakuya began regretting saying those words as jaehee plastered a smirk on his face. ❝anything huh..

sakuya glared at jaehee as the other kept stuffing pieces of bread in his mouth. ❝ngow othner choiswes, my ass.

what? i only heard my ass, what about it?

he rolled his eyes and finished the bread, ❝now tell me, what is it that you want me to do?

they were currently inside the clinic, claiming sakuya wasn't feeling so well that jaehee had to accompany him until he's okay or with the nurse's permission, which is not present with them as of now.

sakuya squinted his eyes, leaning an inch closer everytime. ❝dude, stop.❞ a hand covered his entire face, pushing him back.

i only need one thing from you.

while waiting, jaehee prepares a piece of bread in his hand, ❝that ryo guy is your crush, right?❞ sakuya widened his eyes and was about to deny it when jaehee shoved the bread inside his mouth. ❝its no use denying it. i saw you looking so broken when i inserted the picture.

who was he kidding, no matter how much he tries to pretend, jaehee can just see through him effortlessly. it was unfair but at the same time, he was lucky to have a good friend like him.

the first one to ever befriend him. people wouldn't believe it if he tells them he was the one who actually saved jaehee.

b-but how? seriously how do you do that?

jaehee smiled, ❝i—

are you a witch? what witchcrafts are you using?❞ back again with the squinting and leaning, sakuya received another push in the face. ❝i don't know, okay? i just do. anyway, about your dad.. i'll explain this to him for you so don't worry.

replace my brother for me.


as days pass by, sakuya was making progress bit by bit. it was slow, but he's content with it. he didn't want to rush things too and will eventually reveal himself sooner or later.

sometimes he doesn't realize how scary he is when he's jealous, and jaehee was well aware of that. during those days after the library, jaehee received a friend request from ryo and teased sakuya with it if he should accept it or not.

sakuya wasn't cool with it but considering what ryo might feel if he makes jaehee reject it was way more uncool. so he lets it be and sent ryo a friend request too to divert his attention from jaehee.

he thought it worked.

until one snowy day came..

who the fuck are you to tell me that?

shit. he angered him.

i'm just telling you to stay away from him—❞ wrong move. ❝mind telling me your role in his life then?

i'm his friend.

well as his friend, why would you say that to me? i haven't done anything wrong.❞ sakuya scratched his nape out of nervousness, he never really thought of this to go this way. he only intended to break their connection because he felt unfair that ryo knew jaehee first than him. he even saw ryo carrying a bag of bread tissues that he loves, realizing that maybe ryo thought that the one who's been playing with him was jaehee. his jealousness just took over him and wanted to end the shit over.

but then again, it was his fault for not being able to speak up for himself and tell him the truth.

he was a coward.

he only gained confidence because people can't see you through your screen. (excluding hackers)

now that he can't do anything to undo it, he just left ryo hanging.

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