Wopez - Tie him against his girlfriend

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Elijah was sick of waiting for Wesley so he started kicking Angela in her stomach leaving many bruises. oh Angie Angie, i'm sorry but i'm going to do even more when your boyfriend gets here.

Angela was quiet and scared for Wesley's life, 10 minutes later Wesley arrived at the place Elijah & Angela were at. 

Elijah looks at his phone: He is here boss! Elijah smiles and text back bring him to me and you'll know how. 

Wesley parks his car and started walking towards the building, he had his hand on the door when suddenly the same man who took Angela were holding him with a cloth over his mouth, go to sleep counselor! Wesley tried to fight it but it got the best of him causing him to pass out.

Man 1: 'That was quicker than his girlfriend' 

Man 2: Now come on, lets bring him to Elijah and his lovely girlfriend. 

The guys picked Wesley up and walked with him to where Elijah and Angela were. Elijah looks at his man: Great work guys, now place him on this chair and tie him as hard as you can against his lovely girlfriend, and extra ones tying him to the chair. 

The man places Wesley who was still passed out on the chair, the first guy tying him against the chair with his hands and feets. The second man picked up Angela roughly and sets her next to Wesley's back tying them real hard together.

The man walked out the door and then Elijah started to speak, now look at this, i have you both now. Angela was so scared and full of tears and says: Let him go Elijah!  O Angie No, i won't do that he grins. Now go to sleep, i need to talk to your boyfriend. He gets closer to Angela forcing her to drink a sleeping medicine.  

Angela falls asleep and then Elijah moves over to Wesley hitting him really hard in his face, WAKE UP! he says angrily.  Wesley woke up right away, looking at his surroundings, and then he feels Angela's hand because her hands were leaning on Wesley's back. Ang? Ang? Hey... he says scared.

Angela didn't respond, Wesley direct his gaze towards Elijah and says what did you do with her? Elijah smirks i? I didn't do much, your lovely girlfriend did this to herself. 

W: I came here, you can do anything you want with me, but let her go.

Elijah laughed o you are SO STUPID! Did you really thought i was going to let her go? NEVER! Especially after all the things i did to her. 

Wesley started to tear up he thought he lost his beloved girlfriend. Elijah smirks at Wesley and says 'Relax, she isn't dead, she is asleep' 

Wesley was a little satisfied that his girlfriend wasn't dead, he says: What are you planning to do ? Kill us? You know Angela's coworkers and friends will come for her right? And even if you manege to kill us both, they will hunt you down especially Tim & Wade. 

Elijah became really angry: SHUT UP! or i will hurt you and her in a heartbeat, or wait that is exactly what i'm going to do, because you guys can't listen. Elijah steps over to Angela picks up the knife again hitting her in her arm. That makes Angela awake right away aughhh.. SHE SCREAMS. Angela's wound started to bleed.  I let you guys talk for a minute, Elijah started walking away..

'Ang? Baby? Are you okay?' Wesley says softly. wesley? What the hell are you doing here? You shouldn't have came here. He is going to kill you, and me. 

W: I would always come for you sweetheart, but are you okay? Did he hurt you?

A: Ye-Yes.. He slapped me a couple times, and he stabbed me in my stomach, arm and leg. I am bleeding.

W: Sweetheart.. I'm so so sorry for this..

A: Don't be, you did your job did you tell anyone where you were going?

W: No i couldn't or else i wouldn't have saw you now. 

Wesley started crying softly, A: 'Baby don't cry, i am okay, i am right here with you, can you feel my hands on your back? '

W: 'Yeah, i wished i could kiss you and hold you in my arms right now.'

A: I do too baby.

after a while Elijah and his men came back Elijah started smirking and says: Wesley, you know Angela would be at the policestation right now if you agreed helping me' W: Yeah i know..

E: I'm not such an horrible guy, i have a room here where we gonna keep you both in here untied so you can be together in your last final moments.

The first man picked up Angela still tied at her legs & arms and the second picked up Wesley and walked to the room upstairs with them placing them on the bed. Elijah picked up his gun and points it at Angela.

Now you're gonna untie her and she you and if you are going to try something Angela is the first one with a bullet in her head. 

Wesley gets a knife in his hand untying Angela's hands and feet and she unties him , now give the knife back. Wesley hands over the knife, and Elijah and his men walk out the door putting the door on a lock with only Elijah knowing the code. 

Baby.. o my freaking god you're bleeding so much says Wesley right away when the door closed and holding her in a thight hug

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