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Jasmine's pov..

Why I had such an awful dream last night?..why it came?.. is there an logic in that??..

I keept asking these questions to myself when luca came , chanting my name..

" Mrs were hard to find " he said panting heavily..

" Oh common luca , it's lunch break so it's obvious that I must be in cafeteria , stuffing my mouth with full of burgers and pizzas.." as I continued my boring exclamation he cuts me off ..

" Mr William is calling you right now , I think you need to stop right there and we can continue this conversation of ours next time "
with that he winked at me and dissaper I don't fucking know where , leaving me behind with fear rising inside me..I will not call it fear but nervousness..

And soon I found my self going towards his cabin..I don't fucking want to..but somewhere I need to go and I know this..

A drop of sweat pours from my forehead to my cheeks and then my shoulders.. I can feel a weird sensation inside me while thinking of that fucking weird dream..

oh God.. please save me..what if he gets to know about my dream?..oh shitt then I will be dead for sure and my body will not be found..what will happen to granny if I found missing..??..

These random and stupid questions keeps emerging in my asshole head when my footsteps stop right behind his cabin's door..
I gulped hard before knocking at the door..after knocking for two to three times he finally gave me permission to come in..

I slowly opened the door slightly enough to me gaze inside..when I see no one in that particular space which could be visible from that area..I opened the door slightly more to gaze the full surrounding..suddenly there's voice came and Hitt directly into my mind..

" Mrs jasmine , don't u wanna come inside " Oh his deep voice , a voice that feels demonic and dominating..

I gather all my strength I had and opened the door to found him staring directly at me with a smirk on his face and his hands were in his pockets.. his hair was little messy but that made him even more hot.. I met his pearl colorfull eyes..

it seems that his eyes were hypnotizing me..I was just following his sight..wherever he sees I too saw in that direction..just then he clears his throat making me come into my senses..I always zoned out whenever I face him..I don't know why but somewhere my conscience is telling me that I already know the answer..ahh his beauty..

I came inside and he hint me to sit on chair ..I sat down while he came and sat down too just opposite side of the enlarged table , staring deeply into my soul..I stare him too..with ample amount of fear and nervousness..

" do you want to say something to defend yourself ? " He asks with expressionless face , just staring at me..

Oh sit , I think he knows ..Oh no no no..what should I do..?.. should I apologize to him?.. oh god dammit why always fucking me??..

" I am so sorry Mr William... I don't know where that came from ? Or what did it mean? ..I just had that dream of kissing you unintentionally.. I didn't mean too.. please forgive me" I said all these words in order to defend my self in just one breathe.. I was staring down in hope for his forgiveness but I think I made things worse..

" what do you mean Mrs jasmine?" He asks in a tone that seems little bit of confusing..

I looked at him , and I bent down my head staring at him with confused look too..

" umm that know about it .." I said ..

" what dream..? I am asking about those files which I gave tommorow ..ND I know you didn't done it till now"

Oh that means he doesn't about it..oh goddess..

" no no it's not like that.. I have completed the file , I just need to check everything once and then I will give it to you before departure.."

He hummed and I stood and said 'thank you'
I was going towards door as fast as I could , I just wanted to escape from him , from this dark cabin , his dark aura..

When all of a sudden he calls my name..I stopped right there in front of Door..oh god what now?? ..I slightly turn my head to see him approaching towards me.. he came near me and I faced him..

He without saying anything was coming closer to me and I was stepping backwards until my back faced the fucking door..he stopped right there in front me..gazing at my soul again..

I can smell him..his smell was so soothing and comfortable but his aura was dark , something creepy that no one dares to touch or even want to face.. he lean towards me enough that our lips were inches apart

His one was in his pockets and other was on the door caging me from one side...I can feel his hot breaths and his gaze on my lips..

He was continuously staring at and I was staring at his pink lips and I don't know why but this weird feeling came inside me to kiss him..I want to kiss him , but then he leans more closer to my ear..I was just speechless.. and then he confronted in his deep voice..

" i think , we can do what u are craving for.."

" wh- wh- what?"

He doesn't reply to this but I can feel him smirking...slowly he leans closer to my lips..

I can feel his hot breaths on my cheeks..but suddenly his phone started ringing..that made both of us came to our senses..
He clenched his jaw..uncaged me..and pick up his phone..I was just so shocked.. I do my hair little bit and then came outside from cabin as I got the opportunity to .

Ahhh the weather is lighter..but what was that?..


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