Memorial of a Jokester

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        The following process went...surprisingly smooth, to say the least, despite the rough events up until this point.

        Only a few minutes after the bandits' convenient arrival (which Kinger was rather stubborn about regarding his genuine belief that it was Barbie's doing), the gummy alligators were promptly bound together back-to-back by some candy ropes the group found in their truck. Once the robbers were properly immobilized, the Fudge proceeded to place both tankers atop his viscous head to give them a ride as he crawled his way out of the crevice. Apparently, he could leave his outdoor prison the entire time, Jax's promise for a way into the kingdom gates having rejuvenated his motivation for escape.

        The giant blob of chocolate inched his way across the desert terrain directly in the direction of the Candy Canyon Kingdom, leaving behind a thick trail of fudge through the soft pink earth. The bandits were atop their own truck with Kinger (the bucket still covering his head) and Ragatha in charge of surveying them, the stolen maple syrup on its way back to its rightful place. The other three members were over on their war rig's roof right next to the other vehicle, with Gangle at the front scouting ahead with binoculars and Jax casually relaxing alongside Barbie behind the ribbon woman. 

        "...gotta say, this is a lot more anti-climatic than I was hoping it'd be." Jax was the first to break the tranquil silence, gazing over towards the sunset that was painting the land a deep maroon color. The candy-themed witch next to him arched an inquisitive eyebrow at him, crossing a leg over the other as she sat on the side. 

        "We're literally riding on top of a giant cannibalistic monster that we're going to sacrifice a whole kingdom to after betraying their trust." Barbie deadpanned with a wry stare, looking more confused at the rabbit's comment than irritated. "And you're not satisfied? What exactly were you expecting, then?"

        "Oh geez, I don't know." Jax rolled his eyes, his voice dripping with heavy sarcasm as he responded. "Maybe considering the whole thing was made after you, I was thinking... One big, final battle. Bloodshed. Death. Chaos!" He briefly threw his hands in the air to emphasize the last topic he listed before dropping them at his side with boredom. "Whatever." 

        "Wow, I'm certainly both flattered and insulted by such shallow expectations for me." The witch woman snarked with a lax smile that failed to meet her blank gaze. The humanoid rabbit simply shrugged back in response as he rested his hands behind his head while reclining back against the truck's roof. 

        "Guess this is what I get for getting my hopes up and expecting more from something related to you." He shamelessly remarked, closing his eyes while relaxing against the tanker. Barbie silently stared down at the anthropomorphic rabbit lying beside her before casually standing up with her hands behind her back. 

        "Good thing it's not the only thing you'll be expecting from me ~  " She chirped, flashing a harmless smile down at his figure with an innocent tilt of her head. "Cause you, sir,  just earned yourself a Strike Three ~ "

        "Uh, for what – F[%$!#]!" Barbie nonchalantly walked over his figure to approach the other side of the truck, intentionally stomping on his crotch and digging her heel in as she did so. Jax's eyes cartoonishly bugged out of his sockets at the unexpected but painful attack, the censor bar obscuring his mouth and filtering his colorful swear with a cartoonish noise. The candy-themed witch responsible for his agony paid no attention to his pained cries, but Gangle winced with a whimper as she desperately tried not to look back by continuing to focus with her binoculars. Once he managed to recover, he whipped his gaze up at the unapologetic woman's back with a glower. "...what the actual [%$!#], Barbie?! I still needed this!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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