❤️‍🩹 Broken Hearts & Bruises (Angel) 💔

665 24 21

Requested by: ValerieWinks777

Pairing: Angel Dust x fem!Reader

Summary: Angel's partner walks in on him after a hard day at the studio before discovering something deeper...

TW: Angst, abuse, mentions of self-harm, the and light swears.

(A/N: sorry for the short story today, I've been pretty busy this week 😪 also the picture doesn't load on my end...but if you see it, I took it!)


-Angel Dust's POV-

"V-Val!! Stop!" I begged, raising my arms above my head.

Val kicked me over, shoving me into the wall. I covered my mouth and felt blood spill from my lips. "P-please..." I sobbed, tears now streaming down my cheeks.

I was so vulnerable...so pathetic in that moment. Val had the upper hand...and he knew it.

"Did you forget that I FUCKING OWN YOU?!" He barked, summoning the pink chain around my neck. He tugged me forward.

I whimpered.

"You're so weak..." he laughed and released his grip on the chain. "Go on, run back to that cheap shit hotel for now...you can't hide there forever. I'll have my way with you tomorrow."

I scrambled off the ground and dashed to the exit, running as fast as I could. My tears still fluent as I gasped for breath between sobs.

I arrived at the hotel and caught my breath, running my fingers through my hair.

Taking a deep breath, I put on a confident smirk and walked in.

"You look like shit," I heard Husk grumble from the bar.

"Who me?" I laughed. "Never. Just a rough day at the studio is all..."

Husk rolled his eyes, clearly unamused and went back to wiping down his shot glass.

I ignored him and ran up to my room.


-Y/N's POV-

"Husk? Have you seen Angel?" I asked.

Husk looked up at me. "He's in his room," he responded.

Walking up, I tip-toed over to his room, making sure not to wake up anyone else when I heard...sobbing.

I pressed my ear up to the door. "Angel? Honey...are you okay?" I called.

The crying abruptly stopped. "Y-yeah...I'm fi-hine!!"

"Angel!! You're not okay! Please, open the door!" I called, jiggling the doorknob.

"I said I'm fine, Y/N! Leave me alone!"

I sighed and lifted up the doormat, pulling out the key and unlocked Angel's door.

Angel spun around and hid his arm behind his back. "Y/N! I told you not to come in!"

"Anthony what's on your arm!?" I demanded.

"Y/N stop! Just go! Leave!"

"No!! I'm not leaving until you show me!" I said.

"Y/N you're not helping!! Get the fuck out!" He yelled.

I reached my hand over to grab his arm and Angel flinched, shielding his head.

I paused. "Angel...?"

I glanced over at his arm and saw it was covered with cuts and bruises. "Angel!!" I grabbed his arm. "Who did this?"

He was silent.

"Angel please honey..." I begged.

"Who do you think?!"

My eyes widened. "But...Val doesn't cut you...does he?"

He shook his head. "No, but he's why I have all these bruises."

"Then how did you get the..." realization hit me. "No...please, please no..." I covered my mouth. "Angel..." I sobbed, running to hug him.

He squeezed me as tears ran down his cheeks and onto my head, which I returned with my tears pressing against his shoulder.

"Please don't do this to yourself..." I whispered.

"I wish I wasn't like this..."

"Angel..." I pulled away and took his hands. "Please don't say that...it breaks my heart."

Angel looked at me sorrowfully.

"Please...I love you...I can let you do this to yourself."

Angel was silent before slowly nodding his head. "For you, Y/N. I love you too."

𝐇𝐀𝐙𝐁𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐋 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 || One-shots & Imagines [COMPLETED] ✓Where stories live. Discover now