🐍A New Face (Sir Pentious)🪽

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Requested by: TheFlowerGirl09

Pairing: Redeemed! Sir Pentious x gender neutral! Angel! Reader

Summary: After Lute lost her friend, Adam in battle, Y/N comforts her and they go out into the streets of Heaven together when Y/N spots a new face.

(A/N: Sorry if it's bad I don't usually write for Pentious ;-;)

POV: 2nd person

Warnings: Light cursing


You were in the middle of a vent session with a very depressed Lute, who had sadly lost her best friend, Adam, in the recent extermination.

You were close friends with her for a long time, and she always seemed to have a soft side for you despite her harsh nature towards others.

"Thanks for listening Y/N," she said, wiping her tears. "Fuck...there I go crying again," she sniffled, giving a weak a smile.

You gave a soft grin. "Hey...it's okay Lute. Think about it. You still have me, Emily, and Peter! And from here on out, you can make new friends too!" You said, trying your best to cheer her up.

She nodded. "I guess I can..." she considered.

You grinned. "Y'know, I heard a rumor that a sinner from Hell was redeemed. The princess' plan ended up working!" You told her.

She looked up at you. "No way...do you really think that's true?" She asked seriously.

You paused, now feeling guilty for striking a nerve. "Uh...don't know! It's just a rumor," you said, trying to shrug it off, but Lute was persistent.

"Did you hear which one was redeemed? Is it one I know? Are they looking for revenge? Tell me!!" She demanded, starting to shake you.

"W-woah! Slow down, slow down..." you said calmly, removing her hands from your grasp. "Like I said, it's just a rumor and I wouldn't worry too much about it. Besides, if it is true, which I highly doubt is, it doesn't mean you have to talk to them. Hell, you might not even see them!" You reassured her.

She sighed, loosening her grip. "Yeah...I guess you're right," she said.

"Well aside from that, I'm glad you're feeling better. Ready to go outside now?" You asked.

She nodded and you stood up, offering your hand to her. She took it and you pulled her into a side hug. "You know what Adam would say right now?" She asked.


"Let's go fuck shit up!" She said, her voice quavering.

You offered her a small smile. "You betcha. Now let's go do that," you said with a chuckle.

She gave a brave face and let you walk her out.


The two of you strode out of Lute's house confidently, looking around Heaven when you stopped in your tracks to see...a newbie? Not just a newbie...a cute newbie...

Lute wasn't paying attention and kept walking ahead. "H-hey! Wait up!" You said, running up to her. "Look!" You said, pointing to the new face. "I think he's new! Let's go say hi!" You exclaimed pulling her over.

"Wait! Y/N wait!" She called to you. You ignored her, eager to find her a new friend and maybe even find yourself a new friend.

You approached the angel, now getting a better look at him. He took the form of a well-dressed snake--fairly good-looking in your opinion.

"H-hell-o-!" You said awkwardly. That was weird...you don't usually stutter. "I'm Y/N. And this is my very good friend, Lute!" You said, motioning to Lute.

She shuffled over to you. "Y-Y/N...listen to me--"

You cut her off. "Are you new here?" You asked the snake.

"Yes, I am! I was recently redeemed. I'm Sir Pentious, at your service!" He said, giving a small bow.

Your chest sank. Did he just say...redeemed?

"O-oh! Well it's a pleasure to meet you Sir Pentious!" You said.

"Y/N! Here, now!" Lute demanded, pulling you away from Pentious.

"What is it?" You asked her.

"Why are you talking to a sinner?" She whisper-yelled.

"He's redeemed and I didn't know!" You said honestly.

Lute rolled her eyes. "Yeah, fine. But you continued the conversation anyways!!"

"I was just being polite," you said defenselessly. "Besides, he seems nice enough and I was hoping to make both of us a friend."

Lute scoffed. "Yeah I'm sure friendship is what you had in mind," she grumbled.

You gaped at her in shock.

"Oh come on Y/N! You can't tell me you look at someone like that and claim you like them platonically."

You felt yourself blush in embarrassment. Lute sighed in defeat. "Y'know what? Fuck it, I'll help you," she said.

"That...wasn't the message I was trying to send," you mumbled.

"Yeah, but I can tell it's what you want!" She argued. "I'm your best friend, I know stuff like this."

"Alright fine! Maybe! Maybe! But what happened to hating sinners?" You asked.

She grinned. "Like you said, he's redeemed. Besides, I can make an exception for you. C'mon, it's rude to keep him waiting!" She said, grabbing your hand and pulling you back over to Pentious.

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