🎤 His Little Performer ✨ (Vox)

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A/N: I know. I know. I write for Vox waaaaay too much...but this idea was too cute for me not to write!!
Hope you enjoy :D

This one shot is dedicated to all my theater kid readers...

Pairing: Vox x fem!actor!Reader

(No summary this time...you'll see...)

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Vox groaned as Velvette dragged him into the theater's auditorium.

"This is bullshit!" the demon complained. "I've got work to do!"

Velvette simply rolled her eyes and pushed him down into a red chair. "You've been overworking yourself way too much, Vox! It can wait!"

Vox scoffed and rested his head in his claw, his eyes boring up to the curtained stage as he waited for the play to start, impatiently tapping his fingers against the armrest. "How long will this-"

"SHH!" Velvette pressed a finger to her lips.

Your heart was practically thumping out of your chest as you stood behind the red curtains. You hair was pulled back into tight braids--courtesy of your friends in stage crew--while your dress hugged your body comfortably, complete with a weaved basket in hand.

The Scarecrow actor helped fasten your mic on the side of your cheek and shot you an encouraging smile--though it looked a little silly through his face paint.

"Knock 'em dead, Dorothy," he said with a wink, before running backstage to join the other actors.

You knew all your lines. You've worked hard these past few months. You've got this.

The MC walked upstage and interacted with the audience, advertising the other shows they had in store...blah blah blah. Finally, announcing your cue line;

"Without further ado, I present to you all... 'The Wizard of Oz'!"

You heard the audience erupt with applause, and the curtain swung open, revealing you, in the center stage underneath a silver spotlight.

You cleared your throat and started to sing;

"Somewhere over the rainbow..." you spun yourself around the stage's surface, staying in character the whole time. You had practiced this about a million times in your room in front of the mirror--you performed as if nobody else was watching.

Vox's eyes widened to see the lovely actress onstage. She was so...beautiful. His heart started beating faster and faster, his pupils slightly dilated as he watched you waltz around onstage, looking as if you didn't give a single care in the world.

It was just you, him, and the stage. Everyone else merely faded away in the background as his heart swelled with a flood of emotions.
He didn't know what it was--all he could think about at the time was you, and how he needed to hang on to each second you had while performing in front of him.

Vox thanked Lucifer that it was dark, and no one could see his undeniable blush. Well...that is but Velvette.
She rolled her eyes. "Really?"

"What?" he asked, not taking his eyes off of you as you finished up your song, applauding you.

"You really think that's hot?"

Vox blushed even harder and waved her off. "Shh! I'm trying to pay attention."

Velvette chuckled to herself, noticing how engrossed he was in the play now despite his resistance of coming earlier.

As Vox continued to watch you onstage as you performed and interacted with other actors, he felt a strong wave of emotion build up with every minute he saw you act, sing, or speak.

𝐇𝐀𝐙𝐁𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐋 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 || One-shots & Imagines ✓Where stories live. Discover now