💙🌙The Day You Came Home (Stolas)🌙💙

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Requested by: raven121_u

Pairing: Stolas x wife!Reader

Summary: After Octavia was born, Stolas was called upon to a business trip and comes back to see his wife and daughter fencing together.
(In this story, Octavia is the daughter of Y/N and Stolas)

POV: Stolas' POV and 2nd person


-Stolas' POV-

It's been an awful long time since I've seen my wife, Y/N. I've been on a long business trip and work has become too stressful for a worn-out prince like me to handle.

Y/N had just given birth to our wonderful child, Octavia.

I've never been so happy to have both the sweetest little girl as my daughter and Y/N as my caring wife.

Yet only 2 years into Octavia's birth I was called upon to go on a 15 month-long business trip to work with Mammon and Asmodeus, along with many other overlords that I'm not too fond of.

Y/N was never too happy that I had to leave for so long and the night before I left, we got into a terrible argument.

I cried and fixated on it for months, wishing I could've done better.

Y/N never liked me all too much, especially since our marriage was arranged by our parents, she was forced to leave the man that she truly loved to be with me instead.

And despite all of that, she still managed to be an empathetic wife and loving mother, which was always something that I'd admired.

Today is the day that I finally return, and hopefully the day that she finally forgives me.


-No one's POV-

Octavia had always looked up to you and wanted to be just as witty, smart, and beautiful as her mother.

She'd always seen you practice fencing and hand-to-hand combat in the palace gardens, and one day she finally decided to approach you and ask for a lesson.

Eager to help your daughter, you gave her some old fencing gear you had when you were younger and a small sword.

You led her out into the palace gardens. Her eyes lit up every time she went out there, admiring the blossoms and freshly mowed grass.

"Which plant is your favorite Via?" You asked your daughter.

"Hmm...I like those!" She said, pointing to the orchids.

You smiled. "Those are one of my favorites too. Your dad and I planted those long ago on our wedding day."

"That sounds so romantic!!" Octavia said as she clapped her hands together.

"Yes...it was...very romantic..." You lied, recalling your wedding day.

...the same day you were dragged away from the man you truly loved to be with Stolas. But even with all of that, you never took your anger out on him, because he never gave you a reason to.

"Alright! Here, I'll teach you the basics of fencing. You go right, left, and thrust. Can you try that Via?"

Octavia nodded enthusiastically. "Got it! Right...woah...um...left...JAB!" She toppled over, but you caught her just in time.

"You okay?" You asked her.

"Again!" She jeered.

You two were so entranced in your training that you didn't even notice Stolas approach you, who was watching in awe as he saw you two practice.

He noticed how much older Octavia had gotten...she looked so much more mature now.

But he mostly noticed you, and how much more beautiful you had gotten over the long period of time.

He walked up to you and rested his hand on your shoulder.


"Who the f-AHH! Oh, its you."

"Um, yes! It's me? At least I hope so." He laughed nervously.

"Daddy!" Octavia ran towards Stolas, giving him a tight hug.

You smiled.

"Mom! Are you going to give daddy a kiss now?" Octavia asked you.

You froze. "What?"

"A kiss! Like this...mwa!" She kissed the air to demonstrate.

You looked up at Stolas, who was fidgeting with his hands nervously as he stared up at you.

After a long silence, Stolas finally walked up to you and kissed you on the hand.

You blushed.

"What was that? That was so lame!" Octavia complained.

You chuckled. "You're a picky one, huh?"

She nodded her head. "Yuh-huh! Do better!"

Stolas blushed slightly but leaned in to give you a kiss on your cheek, which you returned on his.

"How's that Via?" Stolas asked.

"Eh." She shrugged. "Maybe later you'll do better. I'm hungry!" And with that note, she ran into the palace, leaving you and Stolas alone.

"So..." You said. "How was your business trip?"

Stolas was silent for a second before finally speaking up. "If I'm being honest...absolutely terrible." He laughed.

You laughed with him, and before you two knew it you were both laughing together.

"Why are we laughing?" You asked through chuckles.

"Because if we didn't laugh, we'd cry." He responded.

"Well if I'm being honest, I missed you."


"Yeah, it got boring here in the castle, having no one to talk to. You make...surprisingly good company," you said, giving him a nudge.

He blushed. "I missed you too, Y/N. I really didn't want to go and have to leave you and Via...but I had no choice."

You nodded. "I understand...we shouldn't have gotten into that terrible fight...and the night before you were leaving too! God...I'm so sorry Stolas."

"No...it's my fault really...I should've never..." He trailed off.

"Hey...let's start over on this, okay?" You said.

He nodded. "I'd love to...Y/N."

And with that, the two of you walked hand-in-hand into the palace, off to make lunch for Octavia.

𝐇𝐀𝐙𝐁𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐋 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 || One-shots & Imagines ✓Where stories live. Discover now