🫶🪽'Fun Words' (Adam) Pt. 2

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Pairing: Adam & child!fem!Reader

Summary: (Part two of Adam x child!Reader) After taking in Y/N, Adam sets up her new room in his palace.

POV: 2nd person

Warnings: Swearing, rude humor(?)


Adam had took you into Heaven for a fun day of shopping, eating food, and introducing you to his employees.

After a long day, he finally brought you home to his palace, where he had asked Lute to set up your room.

Coming in, you saw it was a vast area with a small bed decorated with angel-themed sheets, a large bookshelf, and a big window for you to look out from.

"I...I hope it's roomy enough for you," Adam said, lifting you off of his shoulders.

You grinned. "It's so pretty Adam...I've never had a big room before...or a room."

He frowned, "you...never had a room?"

You shook your head. "Nope, just that cardboard box..."

You saw his face grow into a concerned expression.

"What?" You asked.

"Well...if anyone deserves a nice room and loving parents...it's you, Y/N. You didn't deserve what your parents did to you." You noticed that his eyes were getting teary and his hands were clenched into fists as they shook.

You placed your small hand on top of his to keep it from shaking.

He suddenly stopped and his face softened. Your grip tightened around his fist and you laced your fingers between his, comparing the sizes of your hands.

"Hm..." You hummed, starting to get distracted as you grazed your fingers over his palm. "Oh, sorry. I got distracted," you apologized, dropping his hand.

He offered a small smile. "You don't have to worry about it, Y/N...I liked it," he said with a friendly grin.

You there was a brief silence before he spoke again. "Well...goodnight Y/N. I had a lot of fun with you today. We can do it all over again tomorrow!"

You smiled. "I'd like that. Ooh! Can we meet more bitches too?" You asked.

He laughed. "Of course you can!"

"He'll teach you more fun words like that too..." You heard Lute say as she loomed in the doorway.

"Watch your fucking mouth Danger-Tits." Adam loudly whispered.

"Ooh, what's a 'fuck'?" You asked.

Adam froze, turning to Lute for help, but she just shrugged, wearing a coy grin.

"Hmm...I don't know!" She finally said. "Please sir, enlighten us! What does it mean?"

Adam glared at Lute before finally clapping his hands together. "Well! I'm exhausted! Let's get to sleep Y/N!"

You nodded and climbed into your bed. Adam tucked you in while Lute watched silently next to him with a tiny smile on her face.

"Goodnight Adam..." You said, closing your eyes.

"Goodnight Y/N..." He said, planting a small kiss on your head.

"Incredibly corny sir," Lute whispered, leaning over to Adam once you had finally fallen asleep.

"I beg to differ. Incredibly cinematic? Yes. Corny? Never."

Lute chuckled. "I'll sleep in the guest bedroom. I'm not leaving you alone with a child in the same house."

Adam smirked. "Don't worry. I'm not leaving her side. I'm sleeping right here!" He said, pointing to the floor.

"...you're kidding."

"Nope!" Adam flicked his wrist and a pillow appeared in his hands. He plopped it onto the floor, right next to your bed and curled up on top of it, closing his eyes.

"You've got to be shitting me right now," Lute said in disbelief.

"There is no shit involved in this gallant gesture," Adam replied, his eyes still closed as he said this. "I'm not leaving my little Y/N."

Lute rubbed her forehead. "And I suppose that I...?"

"Will be making breakfast."

"Pancakes or waffles?"

"Mmmm BOTH!"


"We don't know which one she likes yet! Fuck, she's probably never even had a decent breakfast!"

Lute shrugged. "Well...fine. But only because it's for Y/N. And I must admit, I've grown quite fond of her..."


"Don't ruin the moment."

And with that note, Adam waved Lute off. "'Night Danger-Tits..."

"Goodnight Dickmaster."

"What's a dick?" You asked.


(Lute ended up coming in later that night to find you both passed out, you and Adam resting next to each other, both on the floor. She removed the sheets from your bed to cover the two of you and smiled at the scene. Also yes, she did take a picture that she showed to no one.)


A/N: Came across this beauty while searching for some fanart:

A/N: Came across this beauty while searching for some fanart:

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A/N: Yeah that's it :3

Hope you enjoyed~!

~Queen Roach 🕸 (again)

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