♠Passion and Play (Husk)🍷

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Requested by: @raven121_u

Summary: During a rainy day at the hotel, the staff plays a series of trust games. Y/N however, was reading a new Wattpad book for romantic advice. She wanted to finally make a move on her crush, Husk. So when she stepped out of the room to get snacks, the crew finds her phone.

Pairing: Husk x fem!Reader

Warnings: Swear words

POV: 2nd person


"Okay everyone! I'll start!! Ahem, my name is Charlie! I like to sing. And when we work together it's the greatest thing!" She clapped her hands and motioned to Sir Pentious.

"Uhm...my name is Pentious. I like to build. And despite my stupid egg boys I think I am rather skilled," he imitated Charlie's beat by clapping his hands between every sentence and Charlie motioned to Angel.

"This is stupid," he said, looking up from his phone.

"Yeah..." you agreed. "Can we do something else?"

Charlie sighed. "Okay...I guess. I have some other ideas I'd like to try anyways!" She said, pulling out her phone and scrolled through her notes app. "Ooh! Perfect! Found one!"


"I'm a bad man on the streets who never got enough hugs," Angel said, his face buried in Charlie's script. "Now, where's an innocent kid I can sell crack to? Wow, who wrote this?!" He demanded.

"It's great right?" Charlie said. "Keep going!!"

"Hey you." He said dryly, pointing to Sir Pentious, (who insisted on getting into character with a full costume.)

"Who me??" Pentious asked, batting his eyes.

"Yeah. You look like a kid who could use some..." he squinted at the script. "Devil's dandruff? Oh for fuck's sake..."

"Not me!" Pentious said gingerly. "I have to go home and study!!"

"C'mon kid. It'll make you cool like me. The crackhead," Angel said dully.

You had to stifle in a laugh at Angel's enthusiasm, despite him being a famous porn star, he showed little enthusiasm in the theatrical arts. He shot you a glare.

"The only cool thing here is to say no to drugs!!" Pentious said sweetly. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to go NOT have sexual intercourse before marriage!!"

"Oh, yes! Bravo!!" Charlie jeered, clapping her hands together. Angel glanced over at you to see you were holding in your laughter.

"Nice job there Angel," you teased.

"Oh shut the fuck up," he said.

You chuckled. "That last line seemed directed towards you, don't you think?" You winked.

Angel rolled his eyes and walked off. You shrugged and opened up your hellphone, pulling up a new Wattpad fanfic, "How to Win the Heart of a Gambler as a Mafia Boss."

Okay, okay...you'll admit it. It was totally pre-mature of you to be reading that out in the open, let alone in front of the person whom you were reading it for.

Yes...you'd admit it. You've had a huge crush on Husk for quite some time now, and finally wanted to do something about it.

You were getting desperate, running on your lack of romantic experience. So when your good friend Angel recommended the book to you, you couldn't help but take up the opportunity.

"Hey Y/N?" Charlie asked. You looked up from your phone.


"Can you go bring our guests some snacks?" She asked. "I recently bought some new ones. You'll find them in the kitchen pantry."

"Sure Charlie," you said with a smile, setting down your phone.

She beamed. "Thanks Y/N! Oh, and feel free to grab anything you want for yourself, too," she said with a wink.

"I'll be sure to grab something for you too Char," you said, heading off to the kitchen.

Once you left, your phone buzzed from a notification. Husk glanced up at it, eyeing it curiously. "Al, is this your phone?" He asked Alastor.

Alastor scoffed. "Why, you think I'd ever even consider buying a phone? It's got Vox written all over it! And you know how nosy he is. I would not risk being spied on by someone of such low standards," he said firmly. "Besides, you know I'm more old-fashioned. I'll admit I'm not very modern."

Husk blinked. "You've could've just said no..."

Alastor rolled his eyes. Husk shrugged and picked up your phone.

"New update on 'How to Win the Heart of a Gambler as a Mafia Boss'!!" It read.

Husk nearly spat out his drink to see the notification, let alone finding out it was his crush's phone.

Husk finally smirked as he read through the title again, trying his best to keep his cool.

"What are you smirking about?" Angel said, glancing over at Husk.

Husk hid the phone behind his back. "Nothing!" He said.

Angel rolled his eyes. "Don't look like it," he said, pouncing towards Husk in attempt to reach whatever he was hiding.

"Hey!" Husk yelled out.

Finally, Angel got a hold of the phone and blushed in embarrassment once he saw it was yours. "H-hey now..." he said, holding a finger up to Husk's face. "Y'know it's rude to go snooping? Lookin' around some nice girl's phone?"

Husk's face paled as Angel called him out. "U-uhm..." he stuttered. "J-just give me the fucking phone back," he said, reaching out for the phone again. Angel held it above his head so he wouldn't be able to reach it.

"Yeah, no!" He spat, dangling the phone above his head.

"Angel?! What's going on?" Charlie asked, coming into the scene.

"Angel did you take Husk's phone?" Alastor asked tiredly. "Give it back."

"It's not his phone!!" Angel protested. "He was looking through Y/N's phone like a pervert!"

Husk's face reddened in rage and embarrassment.

"What's so interesting about Y/N's phone?" Alastor asked, seemingly becoming more intrigued.

"Nothing! Nothing!" Angel said quickly.

"Mhm..." Alastor snapped his fingers and the phone appeared in his hands. He looked at the notification and his eyebrows raised in surprise. He stifled out a small chuckle. "Well look here, Husker. Seems like your crush might have feelings for you," he said with a grin.

"W-WHAT?!" Husk yelled. "I-I DON'T LIKE HER!"

Alastor rolled his eyes in amusement. "Oh sure you don't," he said with a wink.

"F-fuck you..." Husk grumbled, turning away from everyone.

"Hey guys, so I found some snacks I think you might like. I've got popcorn, chips, cookies, some leftover cake and..." You nearly dropped all the plates to see Alastor holding your phone. "H-hey..." you said, reaching out for the device.

"Oh! My apologies darling," Alastor said courteously, handing you back your phone.

You blushed. "H-how much did you see...?" You asked bashfully.

Husk smirked. "Just enough," he said.

𝐇𝐀𝐙𝐁𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐋 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 || One-shots & Imagines ✓Where stories live. Discover now