💌 Late Night Letters (Stolas) 🌙

625 17 3

Requested by: raven121_u

Pairing: Stolas x wife!Reader

Summary: While Stolas was out one day, Y/N takes the liberty of clearing his desk when Stolas encounters her small secret...

Warning: Fluff <3


Your husband, Stolas, had been out all day at I.M.P. with his boyfriend, Blitzø.

Yes, you knew that it wasn't very fair on your side for Stolas to be seeing someone else, but in all fairness, you loved him and were okay with sharing him as long as Stolas was still good to you.

After all, you had a secret yourself, being close with Alastor and Velvette. Stolas didn't like you to be close to overlords that he wasn't on the best terms with, but you didn't let that get in the way of your friendship with the both of them. However you decided it was just best not to tell him.

So when he was out, you figured you could help him clear his desk a bit.

You went into his office to see his workspace was clattered with papers, folders, and pencils.

You chuckled to yourself. Your husband wasn't always neat when it came to work.

You started to clear the surface from papers, placing them into neat little piles along his bookshelf when you came across a stack of unopened letters.

Out of curiosity, you sat down at his desk and started sorting through each letter.

Zestial...Asmodeus...Estella...Blitzø...and many others.

However your attention was drawn onto one letter in particular, addressed to you.

You carefully tore it open to see it was from Alastor. Smiling to yourself, you pocketed it to read later and continued sorting through the envelopes.

What must've been about three hours now, you slowly drifted off on Stolas' now clean and organized workspace.

"Y/N! I'm home!" Stolas called.

After a few seconds, Stolas called again. "Y/N? Y/N??"

He went into his office and chuckled upon seeing you asleep at his desk. Not only that, but everything was all organized.

Stolas pecked your head and you stirred up. "H-hm?" You looked up at him groggily. "Oh, hi honey..." you yawned.

"Hello darling..." he glanced down at you lovingly. "I see you took the liberty of clearing my desk."

You smiled weakly, still exhausted. "Surprise!!"

He chuckled. "Let's get you to bed," he said, lifting you up bridal style.

The letter slipped from your pocket. "Hm?" Stolas' gaze shifted upon this and he picked it up, setting you down.

"Darling, why is Alastor writing to you?" Stolas asked, examining the envelope.

"O-oh!" You quickly snatched the letter from his grasp. "No reason."

Stolas' eyebrows furrowed. "Y/N please, why are you hiding this from me? You know I'm not on the best terms with him now..."

You blushed, embarrassed. "W-well..." you sighed. "I'm sorry. I wasn't helping him go against you or anything...he's just my friend is all. That's it. I promise you it's nothing more than that!" you assured him.

Stolas sighed, considering this.

"Please believe me?"

"Okay, okay...I believe you. I suppose it's not fair of me to keep things like this against you. You've been nothing but nice to me," he softly smiled.

"Thank you..."

Stolas grinned. "You're welcome, dear." He pecked your cheek. "Just don't keep stuff like this from me, alright?"

"Alright. I promise..."

He sighed. "Really now, let's get to bed—I'm just as tired as you..."


(Brief A/N)

Hey guys I'm so so sooo sorry for disappearing these past few days. I've been really stressed recently but I'm back!! Sorry for the short chapter today. I'll write more request later if I can. Thank you for your patience with me!!

~angel ❤️

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