Chapter 11 | The Sorting

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Previously on Of Wings and Warriors -
Lucius Malfoy, who had been browsing nearby, heard the commotion and stepped forward, his presence commanding and his expression cold. "That is enough," he said, his voice cutting through the noise like a knife. "Ronald Weasley, you do realize that I can very well sue you for slander and misinformation upon my person and my son. And I can whole-heartedly assure you your family doesn't have the money to pay for it, seeing as your robes and books are falling apart before the start of the year. Your father won't be able to get that money even if all of you work day and night for the next 20 years. I pity him. You have dug your own grave by screaming your thoughts out loud, especially in such a public place. All of them are witnesses. Your father should have taught you better manners. Though I do not blame him. Your family, save for a select few doesn't have the dignity to afford etiquette."

Ron opened his mouth to retort, but Lucius' stern gaze silenced him. Molly bristled, stepping protectively in front of her children. "Now see here, Lucius—"

But Lucius cut her off sharply. "Mrs. Weasley, You will address me as Lord Malfoy. We are not friends or even acquaintances. I suggest you control your children. It is unbecoming to behave so disrespectfully towards those who have done nothing to provoke you." His eyes flicked to Ginny. "And you, young lady, should not speak of matters you do not understand."

The onlookers murmured in agreement, casting sympathetic looks towards Draco, Harry, and Hermione. Ron, Molly, and Ginny flushed with embarrassment, realizing they had made a scene without cause.

The trio turned away from the Weasleys, their dignity intact, and continued shopping.

The crowd slowly dispersed, and the Weasleys, now subdued, retreated to a different part of the store. Lucius gave Draco, Harry, and Hermione a proud nod, acknowledging their composure.

The rest of the shopping trip proceeded without incident.

The day finally arrived for Harry, Draco, and Hermione to board the Hogwarts Express and begin their magical education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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The day finally arrived for Harry, Draco, and Hermione to board the Hogwarts Express and begin their magical education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. King's Cross Station was bustling with excited students and their families, a mix of nervousness and anticipation hanging in the air. After exchanging tearful goodbyes with their families, the trio made their way to Platform 9¾.

After their farewells, the trio boarded the train and began searching for a compartment. They soon spotted some familiar faces and entered a compartment where Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, and Pansy Parkinson were already seated.

"Theo! Blaise! Pansy!" Draco greeted them warmly. "Mind if we join you?"

Theodore, a quiet boy with sharp features and piercing eyes, nodded. "Of course not, Draco. Come in."

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