Chapter 22 | A Lawsuit and Loads Of Money

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Previously on Of Wings And Warriors -
As the investigation continues, the wizarding world watches with bated breath. Can Hogwarts reclaim its reputation as a safe haven for young witches and wizards, or will this tragic event mark the beginning of its decline?

Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy exchanged knowing smiles as they perused the latest edition of the Daily Prophet. The headlines blaring Ginny Weasley's death and the ensuing chaos at Hogwarts were exactly the ammunition they needed. The Dark Lord's plan was unfolding perfectly, just as he had promised.

Marvolo Gaunt walked into the room, a copy of the Prophet in his hand. He set it down on the table with a satisfied smile. "I told you you'd have more proof if you waited for a while," he said, his tone laced with smug satisfaction.

Lucius smirked, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Indeed, you did," he replied, already thinking ahead to the next steps. The evidence of Dumbledore's negligence was now irrefutable, and the time to act had arrived.

Without wasting a moment, Lucius moved to his desk and began drafting letters to the other Slytherin members of the Hogwarts Board of Governors. Each letter was meticulously written, detailing the recent events and urging them to support an official complaint against Dumbledore. The goal was clear: remove Dumbledore from his position and install someone more aligned with their interests.

As he worked, Narcissa sent out owls to other influential families, rallying their support and ensuring that the momentum against Dumbledore would be unstoppable. The Malfoys' influence and the weight of the accusations would create an undeniable force, pressuring the Ministry to take action.

Within hours, responses began to trickle in. Each letter was met with agreement and shared outrage. The collective voice of the Slytherin board members and other influential families would be too powerful for the Ministry to ignore.

 The collective voice of the Slytherin board members and other influential families would be too powerful for the Ministry to ignore

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Meanwhile, at Hogwarts, Draco, Hermione, and Hadrian were walking down a hallway, laughing and chatting happily. Their lighthearted conversation echoed off the stone walls, a stark contrast to the tense atmosphere that had gripped the school following Ginny Weasley's death.

Ron Weasley, who had been lurking nearby, overheard their laughter and felt a surge of irrational anger. In his grief and confusion, he couldn't understand why they were allowed any semblance of happiness while he was suffering. Consumed by rage, he stormed towards them, his face contorted with fury.

"How can you be laughing at a time like this?" Ron shouted, his voice trembling with emotion. "You don't deserve to be happy! It's all your fault, Hadrian! You're nothing but bad luck! Everything has been going wrong in my life since you've arrived! What curse have you put on me, you monster?"

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